Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Can anyone ever really change?

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Jim Stafford now has his hat in the ring to become City Commissioner District 2.

This is the same Jim Stafford who had a web site called Lake Worthless. According to him, everything about this city was a piece of you know what, but the major complaint then was the Utility Company. All he and his friends did was pound on their keyboards, complaining about the high rates and cost of service and rollllllllling brown outs but not one time did they offer any helpful ideas.

Instead, Jim and his best buds, watched as millions of wasteful spending put the city into jeopardy...and never once did we hear a single word from him or his complaining friends even when the city went with FMPA, a really bad decision. They just kept pounding away and screaming insults at anyone and everyone. And, at that time, they never entertained the possibility of corruption or waste. All we knew was Lake Worth was spending like a drunken sailor. To this day, I still get the question from one of his sign thief friends, "What corruption...prove it." We have no idea where all the money went.

Jim Stafford, with no sense of the importance of our history, was all for tearing down the casino and having the property become a passive park never to be rebuilt even though we were known for our Casino since 1922. Our new casino will open in a month and it will be the shining light that will draw tourist dollars to Lake Worth. Stafford was wrong on that one. But now we might possibly hear about the seawall and the coastal construction line, developing a political platform with the help from his old cyber attack buddies who still just like to complain about everything.

Stafford also developed his Lake Worth Talk where he became, without a doubt, the biggest bully in town in every sense of the word. His best buds commented there while he planted the seeds of human destruction and attacked everyone in town for whom he and they hated with a passion. At the time there was the Electric Utility Task Force with Bill Coakley as Chair. There were two schools of thought:  going with the 26kv (which would have bankrupted our City) or 13.2kv upgrade. He went after Coakley like a dog in heat for Coakley's stand on remaining with a "standard" system. In the end, Coakley was proven correct and exonerated but it never stopped the attacks.

Click here to read blog by Coakley.

It was all just ugly politics...cyber attacking at its very worst. It was a daily little frenzy of hate going on not just aimed at elected officials and city board appointees but private citizens. Some of the very same people who thought nothing about using a disgusting descriptive to portray their political enemies in the worst of lights by attacking their credibility or telling the biggest lies ever told, are still around doing the same thing.

Mr. Stafford's presence on the scene, not that many years ago, is conclusive. At that time, he said that he wanted to be an influence on the political scene, a "power broker,"  but instead he was the most divisive influence on the city and the master at despicable anonymous cyber attacks that he also daily encouraged on his blog.

However, his blogs were not just opinion pieces but body slams holding everyone up for condemnation who disagreed with him. A few people, to this day, have not been able to overcome the hate and the lies that are still believed by some thanks to Mr. Stafford and his good buddy who keeps the hostility alive. His hateful blog membership cheered wildly as he and they spit out the venom. It reminded me of Christians being thrown to the lions. It was mob rule and a daily lynching of good people whose only fault was disagreeing with Mr. Stafford and his group. It was all a blood sport and he and his followers walked away daily with blood dripping from their venom injected mouths.

So, basically, my question is, can anyone ever really change his basic nature? 80% of those who took the poll say NO. I do believe that people probably can change with a lot of dedication and help, but one's past can be a compelling decider into the character and nature of a person. Mr. Stafford is an excellent photographer and has added more to his family since his bully era and this hopefully has brought a maturity. But no one really knows if Stafford has changed. Other than last night and the very rare appearance, we have not seen him at City Hall to speak on anything. We need to elect someone who has respect for opinion and has an opinion of his own that is not inflammatory.

His blogs might have been the window to his soul.


  1. Thank you for this blog. It is exactly as I remember it only about 4 or 5 years ago. there was a two year period where he maligned everyone, even mary Lindsey. He is not commission material. He did a big number on you, Lyn, as I recall.

  2. Now that JS is out campaigning, there will be blood of hypocrisy on the streets of Lake Worth. haha

  3. After reading coakley's blog, nothing has changed in this city in the past 4 years. Power is a dangerous objective.

  4. Stafford hated everyone back then, even Mary Lindsey. What will Mary do in this election?

  5. This vicious,subversive creature, who hates Lake Worth,and Citizens,needs Lake Worth Citizens to pay his Health Insurance, and for his daily expenses, which he would be given from the perks part of Lake Worth City Commission seat,occupants,$7,000,- per year get.
    Fellow insulted daily Lake Worth Citizens, Michael Bornstein does not care ,as it is in Lake Worth's past,but concerns our money of today,we are not suffering from altzheimers,and are nobody's fools.
    This ingrate with possible health issues, given his appearance,wants to sucker us into paying his Healthinsurance, and control our money,tax revenue,with acces to it.He is no longer employed,why?
    A personality problem?Bill Coackley's and all Citizens of Lake Worth's insults do not add up to a FREE Health Insurance and $7,000,- in perks free money !(Phd.)Dr.McVoy ,with water engineering expertise, can untangle the problems and losses we are now sustaining, result of mismanagement of our Utility business aspect, ignored by the, present new Commission majority.
    Is a Bi-polar wannabee Dixie Hwy-College Parker(with present,vulgar City Hall,jarring dominance) behind Stafford's ridiculous attempt at fooling all Lake Worth Citizens? Stay home, at home Mom!

  6. Thanks for the reminders, I agree, his website/blog was nasty, evil, and hateful, just like Wes', they are real pieces of work, I wouldn't really want to have wither of these losers as our commissioner. If we want more mediocrity, fine, but we all deserve better than this vicious person, did he change? Will he? I have my doubts.

  7. Lynn. You were the most evil person on his blog!

  8. I was one of the few who would stand up to the crap...still am. Some people can't handle the truth.

  9. Some people can't handle the truth? Than why didn't you publish my comment in your last "Birther" post.

    I know you won't publish this either since your truth seems to be selective.

  10. I worked for the city for many years, and every time i worked on his street or he saw me "IF LOOKS COULD KILL"

  11. Some people just have tunnel vision and will NEVER accept a different point of view and get DAMN snippy about it. The only thing I will seldom ever post here are blatant lies.

  12. This wolf in sheep's clothing (I ask the indulgence of the wolves) is hiding behind stick figures of children to pretend he is the "people's" candidate.
    He has been a close associate of Loretta Sharpe and her realtor agenda. Perhaps he and she can push for more rentals to add to the ghost town condos we have all over the City, and encourage a second wave of overbuilding to really sink the market and the country.
    Vote Christopher McVoy, an intelligent gentleman who has the best interests of the City and the planet as his guide, not this vulgar, negative upstart supported by angry complainers.

  13. great photo. Looks just like he looks most of the time. Angry and pissed off.

  14. Just because you and the members of your little group are unable to change doesn't mean nobody can change.

  15. You have just proved that you can't change by slinging chit.

  16. We deserve better than Stafford.At least Pam Triolo and Andy Amaroso pretended to be moderates when they ran for office. Can you imagine the nightmare that this jerk would be?!?

  17. Any individual who chooses to attach the word worthless to ANY CITY must have intrinsic knowledge about the meaning of the word.

  18. I was at a Meet and Greet for Mr. Stafford recently.If what you say is true he has certainly changed.I found him to be knowlegable on many subjects.He seemed to be a man who had great concern for the city and the problems we face.He came across as likeable, reachable And professional I did not know Mr. Stafford back in the old days. I've only lived here for a little over 2 years. But the man I met is nothing like what I heard described
    here.Maybe he has really changed.

  19. Well, that's good to know. Politicians say a lot of things even new ones. It is their record that I look at. Perhaps he will invite me to a meet and greet so that I can see first-hand but I don't think he is reaching out to anyone he ever maligned in the past.

  20. Do evil people change?

  21. Evil people don't change and Stafford will come out with something very, very ugly to get even. He is a nasty piece of work and so are his close friends.
