Friday, September 14, 2012

Adam Hasner, Republican Candidate for District 22

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Adam Hasner with Helen Marino and Katie McGiveron

Yesterday, Adam Hasner was the guest speaker at Lantana's Chamber of Commerce Luncheon. Running against Democrat Lois Frankel, he said it was time "to fix Washington." He placed the blame of our country's current state of affairs on both Republicans and Democrats and admitted that Washington was broken.

A few of the things he touched on were--leading by example, term limiting himself to 8 years, totally concentrating on achieving results, not rhetoric, strengthening Social Security and Medicare, stopping the unsustainable spending and rain in deficits and debt, reforming the tax code and fighting for a balanced budget amendment. He says that American must become more energy, self-sufficient through oil and natural gas exploration.

We agree with him. It's time to fix Washington and Adam Hasner is the one who will work 24/7 to do just that.

Hasner and Frankel will have two debates before the November election. Hasner released this statement yesterday: “We offer two very different approaches to address America’s challenges, and I look forward to sharing my detailed ideas to fix Washington, create jobs and fuel a sustainable economic recovery,” he said.


  1. Nice to see a politician with new ideas. Tax reform, energy. Bold, new ideas.

  2. It beats racking up the debt and acting like a woose in the Mid-East, campaigning in Las Vegas instead of taking care of business.

  3. It all boils down to--who do you trust? Lois Frankel who already showed her colors when she screwed the voters in her city and screwed all those who worked on the referendum to allow the citizens to vote on her spending $153 million for a new city center. She fought it all the way to the FL Supreme Court and LOST but went ahead and built it anyway. That is NOT the kind of person we want in Congress...more spending...more arrogance.

  4. Bold and new--that is for sure. Balancing a budget and even GETTING a budget, something Obama has not been able to do in over 3 years. Go Hasner!

  5. We need Hasner and West!

  6. Speak for yourself. YOU need Hasner and West. WE don't.
    Maybe you can understand this metaphor-If your house is hit by a truck you have to spend money to make it livable. The u.s is your house, Bush & Cheney's neo-conservatism is the truck that wrecked your house. Obama is repairing your house.
    So blame Obama.
    As far as acting like a woose in the middle east. Maybe Obama should borrow Bush's cowboy boots spend trillions of dollars and start bombing the middle east because THAT'S worked out so well for US and YOU.
    Lynn unlike you and your little group the residents in West Palm Beach were willing to compromise on the city center. You may like living in an old dumpy city but plenty of people enjoy WPB's new center and the amenities that surround it.
    You all must have missed the last 8 years of conservative governing. Bush & Cheney killed and buried conservatism, at least for the next 20 years. Want proof?
    Look who you have for a candidate. Gingrich, Santorum and all the others spent spent 2 years trying to be the most conservative and you have someone that's not even a pretend conservative.
    Better luck in 2024 after the next liberal President serves their 2 terms.

  7. What "little group" are you referring to? Even Michael Bornstein, CM of Lake Worth worked on that referendum against Lois. He had some respect for the people, unlike you. The only compromise happened after Lois had built the damn thing and put the city in debt--after the citizens had won in court. What were they supposed to do? Have her raze the thing to the ground?

    Liberal governing has got us in unsustainable debt and you socialists just love bringing down our country without the facts, of course.


  9. Already read their piece of lefter than left smut--Your point? Are you saying you agree with them on this one too?

  10. Nothing "left" about facts, Lynn. The article I posted had plenty of attitude, sure, but when it comes right down to it, it was just good reporting.

  11. If anyone can vote for Frankel, then the world is really sick. You know, someone called me a "political whore" last night on my blog.I guess they knew I would not post it. I have opinion but I sure don't "whore" myself by voting a straight Party line especially when it involves someone like Lois Frankel. They were talking about McVoy and of course, I disagree with them on that. I didn't call them a name but they sure hurl them at me. It's all politics but I like to think that I am promoting my conservative views--not being a whore for anyone, any Party or any reason. We have enough of that in this City as seen by who is in office and the turn-around on the P&Z and Historical Preservation Board. I believe that our city is in jeopardy along with our country. Just my opinion and I know that you disagree...your right.
