Monday, August 6, 2012

Quote of the DAY - Allen West

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"As a retired Army officer I am appalled at the Obama administration’s actions to bring a lawsuit against the State of Ohio for the early voting privileges it extends to our Men and Women serving in uniform. To have the Commander in Chief make our US Servicemen and Women the target of a political attack to benefit his reelection actions is reprehensible.

The voting privilege extended to these Warriors who represent the best among us should not be a part of the collective vision of this inept President who is more concerned about his reelection than sequestration. As a Combat Veteran, for this President to unleash his campaign cronies against our Military is unconscionable….how dare this President compare the service, sacrifice, and commitment of those who Guard our liberties not as special and seek to compare them to everyone else. Barack Obama is undeserving of the title Commander-in-Chief."

~ Allen West

A lawsuit was filed against Ohio's Secretary of State and Attorney General seeking to overturn a law in Ohio that allows the military to vote 3 days prior to the election. the suit was filed by Obama for America  and the Democratic party of Ohio.

1 comment:

  1. The truth is the exact opposite of West's claim, which falsely portrays President Obama as anti-military. Even conservative media sources report the facts:

    Ohio once had a policy allowing voters to cast their ballot three days before the election. In 2008, 93,000 Ohioans took advantage of these rules. Republicans, who now control the Ohio state legislature, passed a law that restricted early voting rights to only those in the military.

    Read the lawsuit, which seeks to reinstate early voting rights for ALL Ohioans.

    The reason behind the lie West is parroting from the Romney campaign is obvious... from the Examiner:

    "Ohio is a key swing state with 18 electoral votes in the upcoming election. Early voting tends to benefit Democrats. As was proven in Florida in 2000, a few thousand votes in one state can effectively decide which party occupies the White House over the next four years."

    So please: You can have your opinion and hero worship, but stick to the facts.
