Monday, August 27, 2012


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Read Obama's latest e-mail to his supporters telling them if he loses, it's their fault.

"Socialism is a philosophy of failure
 the creed of ignorance,
 and the gospel of envy,
 its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery."
 --Winston Churchill


  1. Nice. Use a natural disaster, a tragedy where people obviously lost everything they have including their lives and you take the opportunity of some else's grave misfortune to make a joke about the president.

    Must be conservative logic.

  2. No, it must be a liberal socialist's lack of comprehending the symbolism of the graphic.

  3. That's right. Democrats twist everything around. They keep talking about abortions but they are abortions.

  4. "but they are abortions".
    That's why I like this blog so much. The captivating dialogue.

    That's not a graphic it's a photograph.
    Conservatives are against birth control AND abortion.
    Conservative logic.

  5. It's Obama superimposed on a photo. A graphic.

    Next, I am a conservative and I believe in birth control as do hundreds of thousands of other conservatives. We also believe in abortion under legal terms and defined circumstances.

  6. Hoe come you Dems put everyone in one little mold. Silly.
