Saturday, August 11, 2012

New Florida State-wide Petition drive to begin

The most respected environmental groups in Florida have joined hands to push for a constitutional amendment in order to dedicate and protect money geared towards conservation projects, drinking water supplies and restore the Everglades:  Trust for Public Land, Audubon Florida, Florida Wildlife Federation, Sierra Club, Nature Conservancy, 1000 Friends of Florida, and Defenders of Wildlife.

A portion of the Doc stamp revenue has been used to pay off bond debt but also to support the land Acquisition Trust Fund for public recreation and conservation. Some of the bonds will be paid off in 2013 and this group fears that the freed up money will be allotted to the general fund instead of environmental projects such as the Everglades restoration and wildlife habitats unless it is protected in the Florida Constitution.

They need to gather 676,811 signatures from registered Florida voters by next year's general election. As we all know how hard it is to petition, those who would like to volunteer or who want to support the measure can visit,, call 850-629-4656, or email .

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