Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Marco Rubio heckled by Anarchist losers

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  1. Agreed with the "losers" part... but aren't a couple of 'em your pals? BCE, and all that?

  2. What is considered a "pal?" Is that someone you run around with? Have the same goals as? HAVE LUNCH WITH tell your most intimate secrets to? I have answered this question time and time again. Part of the problem in this city is that people either don't listen or are just smart alecks in general. Where do you fit?

  3. I am a CONSERVATIVE. I DO NOT agree with Cara on most social issues,HOWEVER,she made some very great decisions for this city.She also stood up for the rights of single family neighborhoods and the families in them. She was heckled by people like Loretta Sharpe and Elizabeth Arevalo in city meetings,but Cara,unlike Pam Triolo,always maintained her dignity and was respectful to her citizens.Call her what you will ,but Cara Jennings leaves Scott Maxwell and Pam Triolo in the dirt when it comes to common courtesey and the right of free speech. How about an apology for your behavior towards your citizens and your fellow Commissioners, Pam and Scott ? Katie Mcgiveron P.S. Go Allen WEST !!!!

  4. Cara Jennings, for the most part, kept her anarchist leanings in check while being a city commissioner. On her time off, she made an azz out of herself on more than one occasion. She was better than the alternative choice, however. She was always respectful on the dais. Now that she has removed herself from Lake Worth politics for the most part, people are still paranoid that she is still pulling the political strings here. NO SHE IS NOT. Now is the perfect time for her national ambition. She is being paid by the SEIU, the biggest union in the country and one of the main causes of bankrupted cities throughout our nation. She is against anyone who believes in the free enterprise system and capitalism. She is dangerous, only in the respect, that the entire Democratic party is now on the extreme left of the issues and she is falling and fitting right in.

  5. I could care less about what Jennings is doing but you seem adamant that's she not involved in LW politics. How do you know?

  6. Well, I care a lot about people interrupting democracy. Everyone should.

    Do you hear about Jennings in this city? Do you see her out walking the streets for any candidate? Do you see her money on the table for a campaign contribution for any local LW candidate? Do you ever hear about her anywhere? She supported Jeff Clemens for heaven's sake, someone for whom she had little regard at one time.

    Her focus is bigger now. It's getting rid of sensible elected officials who do not want open borders and believe in free enterprise, who still believe in God and family.

  7. Hey for every far right you need a far left either way you look at it there are wing nuts on both sides. Its part of the game and has always been that way if you read the real historian books.

    Even cheery ole England had radicals before the US was even founded.

    What you going to do? either pick a side or create a new one....agree or disagree keep talking about it.

  8. Why are you afraid to post my comment? I didn't call anyone names, like you did. Or speak for them without even consulting them, like you did. I happen to defend you and your position on issues way more often than I speak up for Cara. Why are you censoring me??
