Tuesday, August 14, 2012

LW mayor insults city’s residents

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Palm Beach Post

LW mayor insults city’s residents

The decision by Lake Worth Mayor Pam Triolo and two city commissioners to postpone an election about downtown building heights is a disservice to the residents they were elected to serve. The decision is fiscally irresponsible, insulting to voters and raises questions about their real motives.

According to the article “Lake Worth OKs taller buildings,” a special election in March will cost the already financially beleaguered town more than $20,000. According to The Post, the mayor’s reasoning for the delay is that residents need “time to learn about the issue.” Seven-and-a-half months? Either Mayor Triolo believes that Lake Worth residents are slow-witted or there are other, unstated reasons for the delay. Now residents can expect a second onslaught of condescending and spurious robo-calls and political handbills in the mail after the national election in November.

As for the mayor’s advocacy for taller buildings, I hope she and her allies on the city commission can muster a more coherent argument than the simplistic assertion that tall buildings attract businesses. Good luck with that! Look how well it’s worked with the beautiful, historic and ideally located Gulf Stream Hotel, which has been shuttered since 2005.

Lake Worth


  1. Becky, after working Several campaigns, and the twisted way politics are (especially in Lake Worth) I find an educated voter just what we need.....

  2. Becky --I don't know who you are, but I sure do agree with what you say! Thanks for saying it so well.

    To heap insult on top of insult, the mayor now wants to use the city's utility bills to promote the 3-to-2 mini-majority's political agenda, under the guise of "public education." (With the "I do as I'm told" City Manager nodding in agreement.)

    As Lynn already pointed out, this is illegal use of public funds to campaign against a referendum. We need a legal opinion on this from our new temp: the City Attorney. He said he would be non-political, so I'm waiting to see that promise put into action.

  3. Triolo ,Maxwell and Amaroso have all said"SCREW YOU" to the taxpayers of Lake Worth.We will remember.

  4. Some comments here seem as uninformed as the letter.
    It was too bad that the letter writer didn’t object to the over $100,000 in wasted study fees by the likes of Stanton and Mulvehill when they tried to push through their unacceptable agenda of retaining Fire Services and bringing Police Services back under the management of the city.
    Also, there is no “delay” till March, 2013, which is the next legally constituted election date.
    As to “educating the voters” to the facts, no spin or misinformation or slanting of facts are legally allowed. It seems there are people who honestly fear that everybody conducts themselves the same way the petitioners did.

  5. When you are thinking about outsourcing a major department, you had better have "studies" to support all aspects before making a decision. Studies are very good for some things. Those studies were not a waste of money.

    At the moment we are looking at 8 energy providers, all with different proposals. We hired a consultant for over 400,000 and we hired a special attorney to look out for us.

    It doesn't take a legal eagle to determine whether we want 4 story buildings or 6 story buildings or 10 story buildings. People get it and need no further propaganda from this commission to convince them that they are 1) stupid and 2) without taller buildings being allowed NO DEVELOPER WILL WANT TO COME TO LW.

    This is absolutely a DELAY to bring this to a vote. It is a major stall tactic brought forth by this trio commission that has no regard for the people. They are so afraid of a vote and want all the time they can muster to turn it all around. It is bad politics from bad politicians.

    March may be an election cycle for some cities but it is NOT one for LW. Even if the initiative passes to change our elections to March, this will NOT BE IN EFFECT until March 2014. Get over it.

    It has already be stated by the City Clerk that this election will cost us $21,000.

    So, we are sticking to the facts and would appreciate you doing the same.

  6. Spinners never spin.
    Liars never lie.
    Misinformed never misinform.
    Facts are never distorted or slanted.
    Was it Dickens who wrote about Lake Worth?---Tale of Two Cities---Everybody finds what they bring with them.

  7. Pinkie--I have asked you nicely now not to take personal pot shots at me. If you want to refrain from the nastiness of your posts, then they will be posted. End of story, Pinkie.

  8. To the best of my knowledge, in the last 20 years--including at least 2 real estate booms--only the Lucerne with 80 residential units has been built at a height that is close to the evil 65 feet that seems to be generating so much angst with the Petitioners.
    Is this really a monumental problem in the 3-4 blocks on Lake & Lucerne being debated?
    Can't we just concentrate on with the major problems facing the City?
    This seems like another Plastic Bag Ordinance or the trivial Intracoastal ROW's.

  9. There is nothing trivial about how people want their city to look- It seems to me that it is this trio commission and their friends who are generating so much angst.
    The major problem is the simple fact that they did not allow this vote to take place in November. You have to ask, "why?" This is a major problem if you respect democracy and not political tricks.
