Saturday, August 4, 2012

Lake Worth Casino Concerns

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Does anyone else feel that the progress around the casino has slowed to a turtle's pace? Afterall, the new tenants are there and building out their spaces. They are all preparing for the Grand Opening this November. Will the city be on time doing their part of the deal?

Who is in charge of the beach redevelopment now that Kathleen Margoles was fired? The Trio likes to put the blame on past commissions for everything that ever went wrong (wrong according to them) on any subject, therefore we need to know who is in charge.  The Recreation Manager? Scott Maxwell?

Issues of concern:
  • Parking Lots being completed and operational (Including sufficient lighting)
  • Piles of dirt, concrete and debris around the area
  • Landscaping being completed
  • Overall direction and completion of the project
As we no longer are getting any city manager reports as to what is going on, my question to the city commission is, will these areas of concern mentioned above be ready and finished so that the merchants can open this November? Is the City proceeding on time?


  1. Remember the parking lots and lighting are not part of the Casino project. They are part of the beach redevelopment which isn't scheduled to be completed until after November.

  2. Go to the beach daily and am amazed at the daily changes. Only yesterday the fence was down for landscaping. Water pipes a re being primed. I get there very early and they are up and working before 9 a.m.

  3. Oh great. Not only do we have warped flooring in the Ballroom and pipes already rusting, but now the lower Parking Lot won't be finished for the Grand Opening of the Casino. That ought to be great marketing and publicity.
    Will the tenants demand a lower rent till their customers can park?
    I guess everything that isn't Susan Stanton's fault is being blamed on Joe Kroll, but you would think with the millions of cost orer runs that we would try to accomadate as many customers as possible so the tenants can pay their rents.
    Tell me again how the payback period is 20 years, even with the Utilities picking up a major share of the additional costs.

  4. Don't know a thing about rusty pipes. Don't know a thing about the ballroom floor warping. Where do you hear this stuff?

    The cost over-runs as you put it were voted on by this commission. They were NOT over-runs until they voted to spend the money. Can you please understand that concept?

    This Trio had the power to reduce the scope of work and stay within the $11 mil. THEY DIDN'T DO THAT.

  5. The cost over runs for utilities were required to open the Casino or the Tenants wouldn't be able to Open for Business.
    The Turtle Lighting and Seawall repairs were added to the Budget as they were not in the original Budget.
    The remainder of the Cost Over runs were line items not included in the Budgat, but paid for from the General Fund

  6. I agree, the parking lot progress seems to have slowed, but when it is all done, it will look amazing, we are so lucky we have this new venue, a real gem for our city now. Can't waiting until November when all is opened!

  7. It is true that the seawall was not included in the original budget. The rest of what you stated I question.
