Thursday, August 30, 2012

Lake Worth Beach

It doesn't yet look like $11 or is it 13 million bucks but then we're not finished. The Gateways never looked like $15 million bucks even to this day.

This spot will house a series of canopies in case you get
 "hot" at the beach.

This will be all grass. Will we have an irrigation system at the beach?
With the saltwater air and the wind, this will be interesting.

The John Szerdi designed bathroom pavilion. Will they be re-doing the old bathrooms near the new Casino? It's unbelievable that these bathrooms got dropped from the beach renovations. And just think, something that was not going to cost the taxpayers one dime, will cost nearly $2 million more.


  1. Originally these bathrooms were to be done. It is a plot to concrete in the pool and tear them all down.

  2. It is idiotic that we are getting rid of parking at the beach. Ocean access is already critically lacking in Palm Beach County.But,WOW!!! WE will have GRASS!!!! HOW INCREDIBLE!!!And will that very unique grass get watered more than one day per week?!? Will we be told to keep off this wonderful grass that has replaced critical parking?

  3. Socalled workers(look like illegal aliens)standing around,is not the American way of getting a job done, without intention of padding the already overblown bills.Lake Worth property owners who rehab historic ones, know canopies are cheap and not hurricane proof.Bill paffers as stupid lazy Commissions don't do cost analysis, while lying about demanding accountability!!Sherdy's truck repair building with highway viaduct supports,not light airy Beach atmosphere compatible, style building,the boorish one, constructed like the stillborn one 1003 Lake Avenue,shows his lack of architectural refinement,like R.E.G.'s.elegant 1921 Lake Worth Casino.Has any Commission member demanded a cost analysis???Accounting for paperclipses, but not for padded construction bills?
    His subversive narrowing Beach access road to cut off tourism and taxpaying Beach goers flow,is with criminal irresponsibility allowed by the Commission.They hate Lake Worth success and Sherdy wants to undermine it, by his stillborn constructions,his abortions.A disgusting attempt to over shadow the elegant Lake Worth authetic Mediterranea 1921 Casino, Citizens voted for, not sherdy's 1003 Lake Avenue concrete box,his boorish unwanted stillborn.
