Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Income Taxes and Obama's vacations

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From the Panama City News 

Published reports peg the cost of the Obama Hawaii vacation
 at $4 million dollars.
  The First Lady went to Hawaii before the President.
  Her flight alone cost at least $100,000.


  1. That's terrible. Who do THOSE PEOPLE think they are? Never in the history of our great country has a president or his family taken a vacation.
    They must be from a different country than the rest of us.
    Amazing that some one would worry about that but not concern themselves with TRILLIONS spent on needless wars or tax breaks for the people that don't need them?

  2. yeah? Well tell him to get out of Afghanistan.

    Tell him $4 MILLION DOLLARS on a vacation is obscene.

  3. O bama is a phony. Hobnobbing with the 1%, multi million dollar vacations, condemning romney for having a real job, building up a business and becoming wealthy. What a joke

  4. What did all of Bush vacations cost the tax payers? He was always in Texas. I guess this President can't go home for vacations.Why did we never guestion the exspenditures Of other presidents. Is it some thing that makes this President different.

  5. Every President deserves a vacation,but the Obama's are ridiculous! They are total elitists.This does not even go into all of their lavish parties at the White House which their comrades in the "mainstrem" press have covered up!

  6. You people are ridiculous.Never compare what any other presidents did,or cost the tax payer. Is it possible that this President can do nothing right because he is not white.
    Before you start screaming I am very white.

  7. Well, did you listen to Condoleeza Rice last night What about Mia Love on Tuesday? Artur Davis on Tuesday?

    You Dems take the cake. When you have NOTHING to debate, you play the race card. It is unbelievable. Get something better to rally around.

  8. Since when can anyone justify spending 4 million just on a government private plane of which Obama changed its name Sick joke on the American people, 23 mil of whom have no jobs.
