Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Don't screw with a Blogger

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PBSO's case against Blogger to be dropped


  1. The Truth is the Truth!August 29, 2012 at 10:20 AM

    I say BRAVO! With so many eyes looking – those who blog and their readers - it is getting harder and harder for the public to be deceived.

  2. What a great idea. Let's spread gossip and make divisive statements against our 1st line of defence against crime and gangs.
    We can increase the divisiveness by letting every malcontent publish unsubstianted claims and then scream about our 1st Amendment rights without any regard to responsibilities.
    Slander, misinformation and spin can rule the day!

  3. The problem here, the PBSO did not have a case. It was concluded they could not charge the blogger with anything. They wanted to suppress him from writing against them. The tough guys couldn't take it.

    As far as spin, slander or whatever, it is all in the eyes of the beholder. Everyone needs to become informed so they can understand the difference in truth and lies. Stop believing everything you hear. Verify.

    In this city, the commission, on many occasions, railroads its agenda against the people's interests.

  4. I think you are so right lynn keep up the good work,they know how smart you are. Helen

  5. If Obama is re-elected,kiss your internet freedom good-bye.The guys in charge don't like having multiple sets of eyes on them. Keep up your excellent blog ,Lynn.

  6. LOL. Reminds me of Elizabeth A. and her husband flying all around town threatening to sue people a couple of years ago !
