Sunday, August 19, 2012

Clemens wins by 17 votes

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Mack Bernard
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Jeff Clemens
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Back on March 27, 2007, Jeff Clemens beat Marc Drautz by 149 votes getting 52.04% of the vote to become Mayor of Lake Worth. He was in office two years and 8 months, bringing us billboard blight for 20 years as well as the Mentoring Center that escalated our illegal immigration problem. Lake Worth voters approved going to November elections that won by 260 votes or 53.66% of the ballots cast. He won the race for District 27 by 50.03498%.

"Bernard, who stood stoically among his supporters, did not concede and said his team would analyze the results before deciding whether to challenge the recount in court. The final tally showed Clemens with 12,157 votes and Bernard with 12,140." Read more...


  1. Great. Clemens continues to win by smaller & smaller percentages, but win he does. High fiving & bragging along the way. Then he goes forward in office as if he were on a mandate by the people. He thinks he's a genius, but he's just a lucky bastard. He should heavily invest in lottery tickets.

    Worst part is Clemens' rapid "mediocre" climb toward the top of Florida's polictical ladder.

    I'm proud to say I've voted and actively campaigned against Clemens in every poltical race he ran --didn't have the chance to vote against him for the CRA board, but I would have if I could have. (He still brags about the Gateway project, which was an unpopoular, financial & logistical disaster.)

    This time out he got really lucky since he doesn't even have to run against a Republican candidate & only Democrats elected him! How the hell did that happen?

    I didn't have an opportunity to campaign against him this time, only vote. Oh, how I wish now that I had talked to 17 Lake Worth friends personally to convince them to vote against that slimebag. I have a sick feeling that people I know & love actually helped him get elected.

    Ironically, I support many of the same issues that Clemens does on a state level. But a liberal democrat has absolutely no voting power in the current conservative republican majority of Florida state government. So why support the political aspirations of such a hypocritical AZZ!

    All I can say, is everyone who does not want Clemens in office needs to NOT VOTE for him in November. There's an official write in candidate against him, or write in the name of Mack Bernard, or write in any name, or just skip that vote. The point is: be sure the message is clear that a lot of people in Palm Beach County do NOT support Jeff Clemens. Let him go forth with a big vote of non-confidence.

  2. It is astounding that people in Lake Worth voted for him. These people knew what a disaster he was.

  3. 12,140 people did not want Clemens.

  4. And 12,157 did. Awesome how democracy works isn't it.

  5. I'm with you 4:20. Remarkable that some people who are considered fairly smart voted for Clemens. Some of them are leaders in our community. Scary. I will always remember when he said, while mayor, that we had no generation at LW Utilities.

  6. I doubt if this will humble him.
