Sunday, August 26, 2012

Another Great Quote of the Day - Allen West

“Let’s be very honest and let’s put this in military vernacular, if you’re feeding a person a crap sandwich with a smile, it’s still a crap sandwich. That’s what you see coming from President Obama. He’s fed America just a load of you know what and it’s not done anything for this country other than increasing our unemployment, increasing Americans in poverty, increasing the food stamp rolls, and we’re heading in the wrong direction.”

~Allen West

1 comment:

  1. As part of the GOTP machine to oust the President, West does what is expected of him: be a noisy Contra wrapped in the flag for the benefit of the party ticket. On the eve of the Republican convention, they're racheting up the hyperbolic and downright mendacious noise that feeds our national media machine, and adds a little money to their campaign coffers.

    But has Obama really been a failure? What the Romney/Ryan camp and their minions keep repeating isn't even close to the truth.

    FACT: The Dow is up over 5,000 points under Obama.

    FACT: Obama has created more than 4 million jobs while in office.

    FACT: Tax cuts do not create jobs. Bush had the Worst Job Creation of any President since WWII and gave tax cuts to his rich friends twice.

    FACT: The last Democratic President raised taxes and created more jobs than any President in recent memory.

    FACT: Tax cuts add to the deficit. Bush's tax cuts added 1.812 TRILLION to the deficit just while Bush was in office.

    FACT: Bush took a surplus and turned it into the biggest deficit in history. Ryan voted with him 94% of the time.

    FACT: Obama has not added trillions to the deficit since becoming President. The deficit clock doesn't consider that Bush's policies are adding to the deficit at 5 times the rate of Obama's policies. When a President leaves the WH, his policies don't stop adding to the deficit.

    FACT: The Obama Administration took 700 Billion out of Medicare to eliminate waste fraud and abuse in the Medicare Advantage program. Medicare Advantage is the 180 billion dollar bill that Bush and the Republicans passed without paying for it and Ryan voted for.

    FACT: Ryan's budget takes 700 Billion our of Medicare to give more tax cuts to people like Romney.

    FACT: Repealing ObamaCARES as Romney and Ryan are campaigning to do adds 109 Billion to the deficit.

    FACT: Most Americans don't agree with Ryan's plan to turn Medicare into Vouchercare.

    FACT: Ryan's budget and Romney's budget add more to the deficit than it nothing were changed.

    FACT: Ryan and Romney's budget raises taxes on the poor and middle class and gives more tax cuts to people like Romney.

    FACT: Millions of elderly and disabled people and children will be left without healthcare under Romney and Ryan.
