Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Anarchists stalk Republican conservatives

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Read about the Anarchists and Marxists at The Villages.

A few days ago we talked about an activist who gets involved for the greater good. There is no such thing as money changing hands to keep her motivated. Today, it is about an entirely different group whose sole purpose is to interrupt democracy.

We have learned that this disruptive group of Anarchists and Occupiers is being paid.  I used to believe that is was idealism that motivated them. Now we know better. It has nothing to do with the First Amendment. They are protesting for money to thwart free speech and to denigrate and personally attack candidates who are not Democrats and who have no socialistic leanings. One of their permanent paid jobs is to target Allen West and they have added Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney to their target list recruiting a few other sheep into their fold.

At The Villages, ranked as the No. 1 fastest growing micropolitan area in the United States by a 2008 Census Buerau report, one spectator said, "There was a ground of about ten protesters (I'm surprised that one wasn't on stilts) that wound their way around the crowd with signs that read "Hands off my Medicare" and a plane constantly buzzed over the crowd with a banner that read: Paul Ryan: Hands off our Medicare. The plane occasionally made it hard to hear the speakers but I just reminded myself that rude people will be rude and "progressives" have rudeness down to a science".


  1. Cara is one of them

  2. To anon above that must be why I have not seen her, Peter, or Waterman around since they threw the election on the 14th.

  3. I don't understand why the anarchists have to harass conservatives. Just let the conservatives (Akin, Ryan)speak freely. The 20% fringe right is going to follow them no matter what they say and after hearing them speak freely (Akin, Ryan))the other 80% is going to be asking what the f***k are they talking about? They'll lose the election in a landslide.

  4. Actually, with a statement like that above, it just shows what serious trouble we are in.

  5. How do they have the power to "throw an election?"

  6. Lynn, you were a fan of Cara for this town, weren't you?
    I know you like to defend everyone's civil rights, and thusly you were also pretty ticked about citizens trying to get Peter(Cara's boyfriend) booted as Chair of a Board, to which the previous Commission appointed him.
    Now can you kind of sort of see how many of us feel that the anarchist regime really has no place in our town's local government, nor on Boards?
    I know you feel that everyone deserves a voice, and I think you've said that the anarchists have some salient points...but their end game is unrealistic and self serving, not town serving.
    Would you somewhat agree with this now?
    (and please don't get angry - am asking sincerely)

  7. A fan? I wouldn't call it that at all. As I have said on numerous occasions, she voted right about 50% of the time according to my values and what I thought was reasonable and correct. I was against them booting off Peter as Chair of the CRB--it was groundless and trumped up political charges. He, as Chair, was always respectful and made his points in an even tempered manner. It was his right to believe what he wanted to believe (even if I did not agree with him on PBSO as an example) and he never became "anarchistic." All he was, was one vote on the board. They could have voted him down each and every time.
    I can well understand why people don't want anarchists causing havoc. It is undemocratic and can lead to worse situations. I believe the only thing close to that in this city was with Scott MAxwell and the Nature's Way incident. That was appalling and disgusting actually.
    Their end game is to over-throw the government and to me, that is a criminal.

  8. My early comment on this thread was very similar in tone and substance as the one you posted and responded to. I was respectful and brought up pretty much the same point, asking if you had changed your mind on them.

  9. Well, I have answered this many times. Sometimes it just gets .....
    hope I answered it now.

  10. Anarchists have the right of Free Speech!
    I thought all Americans have the right of Free Speech.
    Paul Ryan ,a hard working ,succesful American, does not???
    I learned in Lake Worth, anachists infested, with their Candidates finally removed,that they want to decide who can and cannot sppeak.Ask former Commission member Mulvehill,who stopped reporting abusive use of Board membership,at a public Compass meeting!Democracy?Sell crazy somewhere else anarchists! W'ere all stocked up here.You are the cancer of Society,who started world wars.Morthers are still crying from your actions.The Empress of Austria,Elizabeth, was stabbed to death by an anarchist,who subsequently started the First world war,when another one killed Emperor Ferdinand.Is a World war with millions of deaths of innocents, a result of anarchist action, what will solve the global problems???Communists like you anarchists,, do not allow free speech, but suppress it wiht forcefull demonstrations.The past teaches intelligent people!

  11. Oh golden past for some ,and only past debtor's paper for Lake Worth.
    Why did Scott maxwell in 2001-2003 not collect our $5,000,000,- due us from 7 surrounding Towns, for which L.W.treated sewage, and we paid 5 years of salaries for our employees working at our plant, when Maxwell was on the Commission.The maxwell neglected,ignored,while grand standing about minutiae,is now $13,582,000 unpaid sewage treatment bill for the 7 surrounding Cities,(knowledge kept from ALL CITIZENS),how much did he collect for us?,what has he done about accurate collection of meter readings, presently full of errors!kept from ALL CITIZENS.I KNOW A SYSTEM WHICH WILL GUARANTEE ACCURATE COLLECTIONS, AS IT IS NOT SUBJECT TO HUMAN ERROR,learned from a friend in charge of a similar electric Utility.How much do we lose each month?tHE cITY HAS A $7,000,000,- dEFICIT AS REPORTED IN THE p.b.Post.What has Scott maxweel done about it? It is part of our Debtor's paper past!There is much more wrong management, ignored by the Commission and kept from ALL Citizens.I speak with,not for,
    all Citizen taxpayers, who pay salaries for services to other Cities.Oh delicious Lake Worth
    PAST hidden from ALL Lake Worth taxpayers.Fellow taxpayers, just pay the bills and go away,shut up!
