Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Amoroso wants to promote Lake Worth in New York

Comment Up
As this blog has received a ton of hits,and this item is on tonight's Consent Agenda, I have moved this to the top of the blog Originally published on 8-2-12.
UPDATE:  Amoroso pulls item OFF agenda.

What a guy. He just was featured on Channel 10 out of Miami regarding one of our downtown businesses and accepting campaign funds from a guy who might be sent up the river for 30 years and now he's off to the Big Apple.

Amoroso plans to make the trip Aug. 17-21, armed with brochures about Lake Worth including the new LULA Lake Worth Arts map and guide and the postcard decorated with colorful parrots that provides a link to the Gay Lake Worth campaign on Facebook.

Read more about his request for plane travel for this very worthy trip. Click here...


  1. Has anybody of the Commission, checked to see how he is promoting Lake Worth, to whom, through which media? I have done fashion promotion of my collections,from New York to California, Paris and Hong Kong, and was in Town and Country Harpers' Bazaar, Vogue Magazine, W and Elle.
    Lake Worth is not financed by the gay Community, which has stolen our Downtown Senior Citizens Center,12000 sq.ft. for 7cents per sq.ft. with lies about intention of rehabbing it with their one million dollar chest. Jeff Clemens even repeated that despicable lie, disenfranchising our 9000 Seniors from their conveniently located Club house,as many don't have cars.
    Once the corrupt liars Commission with Clemens liar in Chief,has given the thieves' lease, they came to us for a loan of $650,000,- to rehab the Center,they robbed our 9000 Seniors of.The corrupt Commission agreed to loan them $250,000,- ,1/4 of a million fellow residents!!! Wouldn't you likethat money?All for Clemens gay vote.This Amorosa newspaper vendor, wants to use our tax money to have a gay old time in New York????Which Citizen wants to pay for his trip???Without specifics of promotional methods,contacts???I know several guaranteed succes generating contacts. How many Contact are to be approached,has he given the Commission????Pam did you verifiy the Contacts?Or are they just sleazes, who conspire to throw our money away????with 7 million Deficit?Maxwell where are you with your phony protests?Recall???What is this Drugdealer of Lake Avenue Connection????To sell Spice in Manhattan Gay center?

  2. I did not want to pay for Mulvehils vacation to Get that Money got spent...rmany, bu

  3. I believe that all trips, by all commissioners and staff taken out of state, should be canceled indefinitely.

  4. What a terrible idea. A gay city commissioner promoting a gay friendly city in Manhattan which has the largest gay population in the country, with the most discretionary income to spend traveling.
    After all not too many New Yorkers vacation in Florida so he's reaching for a market.
    If there was a way to quantify the data I'd bet anything Lake Worth will see more tourists this winter as a result of Amoroso's trip than all of Mulvehill's sister city and eco trips will ever bring.

  5. Why do you edit some posts that are 100% true but you allow Dee's post which is absolutely not true?
    You know Palm Beach County moved the senior center out on to a brand new state of the art facility Lake Worth Rd. There weren't 9000 seniors that used that place, you didn't mention anything about Amoroso paying for most of the trip himself.
    Fair and balanced bay.

  6. I said "GO ANDY" when I voted for him and I say "GO ANDY" once again. It doesn't matter how he promotes LW, just that he's willing to do so at every possible chance.

    GO ANDY!!

  7. I know this blog is about Amoroso's trip to New York.But Lynn why didn't you tell us Mark Parillo is running for the District 2 Seat?

  8. re andys trip to ny. every year andy goes to gift show in ny at javits center.
    this years international Gift show is Aug 18-22..isn't that when he wants to go. is city paying for his suite at Colonial Arms gay b&b where he always stays....near all the bear bars...15min bus ride to javits center...what b'way shows will he see/ will he leave brochures in gay bars or at the largest gay community center in us he hes going to meet with mayor bloomberg to promote LW.....
    ps all the aa meetings that were at compass have moved to j st. does compassnow close at 5pm. it is only there to pay plakas salary. in meantime, Ft. laud center is thriving with community art sholw, events fund raisers etc. here, they do not want anyone in bldg..

  9. There was a link to the article that mentioned Amoroso was paying for this trip himself other than the plane fare that he wants the City to pay. I don't need to mention it again.

    What people in the know are saying is that this trip is his annual buying trip in NY and the reasons he his giving such as promotion of LULA and the Gay community are frills.

    If you're going to promote this city, let's start with all the improvements that are being made at our beach or other things that are not self-serving.

    It is so ridiculous. End all travel of this type.

  10. Ok then, if you want to promote minorities, let's start promoting all the illegal aliens who live here too--all the poor people--all gthe socialist progressives--all the diversity that everyone brags so much about.

  11. Its really funny that you supported Commissioner Mulvehill when she wanted to go to Canada and Germany. Seems that your opinion changes depending on who wants to go on trips.

  12. Let's get your facts straight before you personally attack.

    It is well known that I have spoken out against the "free lunch on every possible occasion.

  13. Golden/Jennings/Mulvehill/Stanton already tried to promote all the illegal aliens by promoting Lake Worth as a sanctuary city.
    Guess what. It didn't work. Time to try something new.
    I don't even like Amoroso so him doing any kind of promoting is not exactly my idea of marketing tourists but it's better than Mulvehill's wasted money, trips and time.

  14. Check out your post of April 13th 2012.
    You spoke out in favor of the $2,500. for Commissioner Mulvehill's trip to Germany.

  15. I do recall speaking on this subject. I spoke in favor BECAUSE Mulvehill was asked to present at this global conference that would have given world-wide attention and credibility to Lake Worth. The other reason for support was the simple fact that YOU were making a big issue of it and NEVER MADE AN ISSUE about Maxwell and all his trips.

    I personally am AGAINST ALL FREE LUNCHES.

  16. 11:48--just more lies coming from known fabricators. Stanton ended the city's relationship with the Resource Center. Let's rally behind a pornographer instead. Way to go.

  17. Is Mark running? :

  18. Mulvehill's report is on the August 7 agenda regarding her trip to Germany. Some obsessed person full of hate continues to post about this asking "where is Mulvehill's report to Germany?"

    I told Commissioner Mulvehill NOT to bother giving the report. If you want to read about it, go to city hall. Personally, if I were she, that's what I would do...stick it in your ear.

    And I officially request that Scott Maxwell give a report on every trip that he has ever taken on the city dime. Does Mr. Brokovitch want to join me in that action? What about you, Laurie? Peggy?

  19. Mr. Second will now be a leader among men?

  20. Anonymous at 1:24--I called Mark about this rumor. Have not heard back. However, the qualifying period has not started yet and John Szerdi and Chris McVoy are the only candidates so far who have qualified.




  24. Hey, mark old buddy, write about Amoroso and his connection to the synthetic marijuana guy and his bogus trip to NY. Do some honest journalism in Lake Worth.

  25. These are people you should be targeting to come to Lake Worth, Americans, who can fly down for a weekend getaway, or Floridians for a "staycation", not Europeans.

    Euros want to go to Miami, Key West, Orlando, even Delray Beach, but we dont want to be another evil Delray, as if it was even possible.

    How many people come from Sopot, or England, or Germany to Lake Worth?

    Did you see the PowerPoint presentation Mrs. Mulvehill showed in Germany, I hope it was a fake and not true, I'd like to see it again, looked like something a 13 year old put together on the bus to school.

    Going to New York, Jersey, Boston, Chicago to showcase this city is the way to go, Euros not!

    Polish Chris

  26. That is why we have so many people from Finland who own property here. Great observation, Polish.

    If you don't market your city, it is virtually unknown as a destination. Mulvehill has the right attitude.

  27. How many tourists have been to Lake Worth from Poland or England? If you're not sure Commissioner Mulvehill can give you the numbers so we can all see them here.

  28. Were you just born an azz anony or did you have to develop that skill?

  29. Just what we need, more little Andy's floating around town. Let's see your promotional plan commissioner.

  30. Andy grew up here, has businesses here, and believes in this town without a doubt.
    While you may not approve of the 'adult section' in the back of the store, it is legal, and people spend money there.
    Calling him a 'pornographer' is incorrect and absurd.
    Go to his store and ASK him about his trip to NYC - take a look at the walking map of Lake Worth he has accomplished.(why has there never been one before?)
    Ask him what he is doing with the schools here - he has heard from many (as have we all) that families are hesitant about the schools here - So he is trying to do something to change that. Don't you feel that is a worthy and proactive action to take?
    Please, all naysayers, stop by his store and ASK him.
    Calling him names and decrying his every move is detrimental to the city we love.
    To say that Andy does not care about this town is off the charts wrong. He LOVES our town - does not want to turn it into any other city - he wants LW to thrive.

  31. "That is why we have so many people from Finland who own property here. Great observation, Polish."

    My neighbor is a Finn, I played ice hockey with Finns, and get my car fixed by Finns, car insurance, they have been here for 100 years, so of course they own property here, they are American like you and me, NOT tourists

    The men came to work construction on Palm Beach, the women were maids and nannies and have educated themselves and moved up the social-economical ladder, living the American dream. They are leaving LW, moving to Oregon, N.Carolina, back home to Finland, and only come back to visit family, not to swim in a pool next to the Atlantic Ocean.

    Its good to set high goals, but Europeans are not coming to Lake Worth, if they come to Florida, they go Disney, Miami, or Tampa. Stick with American travelers from the east coast and midwest, that is your demographic.

    Polish Chris

  32. Andy is a gentleman and a scholar.

  33. We have around 5 Finnish families living in my building. They are NOT Americans. They are Finnish and from Finland and stay here during the high season.

    The main point, however, and to state it one more time, marketing and promoting our city in the global market is a great idea. Europeans want to come to America on holiday. Very few have heard of Lake Worth, Florida and the more they learn, the better we will be. If you don't market a product, you won't have any buyers.


  35. Lynn, I have to ask you about your steadfast belief that going abroad ( huge cost) to garner interest in LW, is something that is worth the $$.
    Isn't it common sense that the NE of this country, comes down here regularly -? Or maybe you disagree.
    BUT - where are any tourists going to stay? -
    If the PAC turns away a good hotelier (as they tried to do w/ Publix perhaps) then, you can stick to your guns all you want - but if your group keeps turning away interest in the Gulfstream Hotel, bybmaking it known you will sue to prevent a thriving business from coming in...well - then things will go on as they have. With nothing happening with that glorious historic hotel.
    And as much as you want to tell the 'evil hoteliers' how to build and run their hotel, that is how far you will push them away...just how long has the Gulfsteam been inactive? Through how many Commissions?

  36. First of all, let's get something straight here-
    It is not my steadfast belief to go abroad to market LW. Don't be utterly ridiculous.

    It IS my belief, however, to STOP THE FREE LUNCH.

    It is my belief, however, that if you allow one commissioner to travel to his favorite destination (Phonenix, Colorado, Washington DC) for whatever reason he claims it is for, then you have to allow ALL OF THEM TO TRAVEL.

    No one who volunteered for this PAC has any desire to turn away interest in the Gulfstream. I, for one, am sick of the con that developers pull that they need more density in order to make a profit.

    The Gulfstream has not been inactive because of ANY COMMISSION. It was because Schlesinger bought it for too much at the wrong time. Many of his projects failed...It is not this city's responsibility to capitulate to developers. Depending upon how much the bank will let it go for and they had better be realistic), the Gulfstream can be opened again--it just better be a hotel. Knowing past P&Z's, who knows.

    End the BULL. Every commissioner who has ever been elected believes he deserves to travel to wond3erful places to put in 2 hours of time over 3 days and have a great vacation. End it. Read a book.

  37. "We have around 5 Finnish families living in my building. They are NOT Americans. They are Finnish and from Finland and stay here during the high season."

    Wrong! They are Finnish-Americans, they pay American taxes, own American property and are NOT tourists, period!

    Polish Chris

  38. They are Finnish citizens who own property in the U.S.

  39. Polish Chris--were you giving us some sort of a polish joke or is this just typical Polish wisdom?

  40. ANDY IS LAKE WORTH!! He represents all of us! I don"t understand the envy and hatred in this town! GO ANDY!!

  41. Andy certainly does NOT represent me.

  42. LOL at you Lynn! What have you done for this city lately except spread lies and hatred! Andy's doing a great job for this city and stands tall and proud inspite of the garbage you throw!

  43. What garbage? Do you call TRUTH garbage? Be more specific.

  44. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    "Polish Chris--were you giving us some sort of a polish joke or is this just typical Polish wisdom?"

    Oh my, do you believe that the Finns who live here part-time are tourists, or are they snowbirds.

    Thanks for insulting the people of Poland, the joke is Mulvehill going to Sopot to promote Lake Worth.

    Polish Chris

  45. That is one of our Sister Cities. Have you ever heard of that? Sopot is probably the most popular and famous seaside resort there. It was part of the Three Way Split Project that was supported by our CRA. It is a coastal community with a famous pier, a tourist destination and the home of many artists.

    Whatever is your problem with it? I don't get your criticism.

  46. This is the biggest month for Trade Show buying trips to NY.

    Buying new merchandise is better than having him speaking about LW.

    He is not articulate and constantly mispronounces words.

  47. New York City ...trade shows, international tourism, museums, broadway shows, financial center, fashion, United Nations....they have it ALL. Andy is one clever man! He doesn't need to travel the world to promote Lake Worth. New York City is the place to promote our edgy, artsy little town. A 2 hour plane ride and you're in our quirky ,diverse town! Lynn, this is way beyond your comprehension! Andy will use his own resources to promote Lake Worth! BRAVO ANDY

  48. Nobody from Sopot is coming to Lake Worth, EVER! Mrs. Mulvehill wasted citezins money to promote Lake worth as a tourist destination. I know the Baltic area of Poland, Ghdynia, my wife is from Scheczin, have been there on holiday 30 or so times.

    Sopot is like the Hamptons, Cape Cod, St.Agestine of Poland, much history and wealth, maybe 75 million people within four hours drive, comparing oranges and rocks. She may have done some super great things for Lake Worth, but going to Europe to promote Lake Worth is a comady, total ripoff to the fine tax payers of Lake Worth! You where scammed, Wake up!

    Polish Chris

  49. I would much rather pay for two or three hours for a Commissioner, Than having one Lie to the public. Mulvehil Invited herself for a 12 Minute presentation, and was gone for 2 weeks.

  50. If Ms. Mulvehill decided to stay longer and tour the area on her dime, what in the heck is it to you?

    Andy was going to NY for personal reasons. I don't see you whining and bitching and being ugly about that.

    Let's end ALL travel for Commissioners and put the discussion to bed once and for all by limiting it to Flo0rida only.

    PS. I thought her presentation was excellent. At least she gave one unlike any other commissioner EVER.
