Saturday, August 18, 2012

A Slippery Slope

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Without a doubt Syracuse, New York is headed for bankruptcy. Not only is there an "official denial" but the mayor of Syracuse is seeking legal guidance on municipal bankruptcy. Once again, public union wages and benefits, especially police and firefighters' pensions are smack in the midst of it.

Here in Lake Worth, our unfunded liability for Union pensions is around $60 million and growing. We have an outstanding debt of $67 million.

Overwhelmingly, Sheriff Ric Bradshaw was re-elected even though his budget soars and cities scramble to adjust their operating budgets to survive. He carries the big political stick as we all are concerned about escalating crime -- his PR department does a smash up job convincing all of us that we are actually safer. Every month, deputies are out in the community and attending neighborhood associations telling us that very same thing using your tax dollars to do it. The County, because of its expected $10 to 20 million budget shortfall asked him to reduce costs but Bradshaw says "you are getting a bargain" and the majority of the people believe it too.


"While population stayed relatively flat (we now have only 6% more people in the county than we did in 2003, and it’s been declining since 2007), PBSO staffing went up about 29% and spending went up 67%. To put that another way, in 2003 there was one PBSO employee for every 389 residents and PBSO charged an average of $195 per person for their service, while in 2011 there is one for every 320 residents, and the bill was $307 per resident (a 57% increase). Does that make us safer?"


More cities at risk of bankruptcy.

1 comment:

  1. Montgomery Co. NY is bankrupted city's in the county are bankrupted ( Canajoeharie - Beach Nut factory move out now the town is empty , Amsterdam NY toy factory move to china now the town is dead .
    Schnectaday Co. is bankrupted City of Schnectaday is bankrupt and on August 31 they will foreclose on 600 property's in the city for failure to pay taxes and add to the rest of empty property's in the city.

    The list goes on and on all over this state of NY and it's no different in Florida , California or any other state in the country and at the heart of it all are public unions , police ,fire , government works of all type wanting more where there is none.
