Sunday, July 15, 2012

West capitulates to Big Business Lobby

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Don't we all believe in humane treatment of animals?  It seems like a "no-brainer" to me. However,  Colonel Allen West has just changed his position on more humane treatment of egg laying hens. He advocated for larger cages for hens and now has changed his mind. Some of these hens are in cages 6 inches by 8 inches.

West reversed his position. The agriculture business' lobby, Keep Food Affordable, and a lobby that represents 56 large egg-producing farms, has been running attack ads against West. They are afraid of over-regulation of farming in general particularly pigs. Those ads have appeared on just about every Internet site.

The Lobby gave the pitch that if egg producing farms had to provide better conditions for hens, then it would cost them money or eggs would be produced in foreign countries and the cost of eggs would sky-rocket. However, it is estimated that over twenty years, it would cost consumers less than one cent per egg.

Remember the Pregnant Pig amendment in 2002?

The language that appeared on the ballot for the Pregnant Pig that passed with 54.75%:
Inhumane treatment of animals is a concern of Florida citizens; to prevent cruelty to animals and as recommended by The Humane Society of the United States, no person shall confine a pig during pregnancy in a cage, crate or other enclosure, or tether a pregnant pig, on a farm so that the pig is prevented from turning around freely, except for veterinary purposes and during the prebirthing period; provides definitions, penalties, and an effective date.

Government has an obligation to protect animals, not just big business that is exploiting them for profit. Animal cruelty is an issue that no one supports. You got lousy advice on this one Colonel.


  1. Col.West,your action really dissapoints me. The idea that you flip flopped on this makes me think less of you.We are the voice for the voiceless animals.Col. West,the only eggs that I buy are free range,organically fed eggs.Hopefully,Col. West, you are working behind the scenes to make it easier and affordable for our farmers to be humane farmers. I fully support the Ag community that wants to be our Ag community. I really don't want my children and their children eating people chow from China.I don't support farmers and ranchers who suck down tax credits so that they can raise a one time crop of condos and more empty strip malls.Oh,and also finance elcted officials who will let them continue with inhumane practices.Katie Mcgiveron/one of four conservative voters in Lake Worth Florida

  2. "You got lousy advice on this one colonel".
    Even Westie's most ardent supporters agree that HE CAN'T THINK FOR HIMSELF!
    Maybe he should have fired his guns at the chickens.
    What do you think pinkie?

  3. What do I think about that?

    You really don't want to know what I think about you. There is nothing "pink" about me. I am blue and true all the way through. :) ahhh! salt!
