Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The Petitions after Certification

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Why this city is in a mess--

Michael Bornstein, who knows with whom to play ball, has just stated the following regarding the petitions:

Two policy issues have been presented to me.  1)  the cost associated with having a special ballot if the issue is not in November, and, 2)  the support to move elections to March should be reflected in having this ballot question go a March election cycle as well.

Number 2 is really a dumb idea. What if the electorate vote March elections down. When they are certified, there is no reason to delay this other than a stall tactic by this majority commission that has   already said they don't give a hot damn what the people want. They got our vote but won't give us the right to vote on heights in our downtown.

With the upcoming fall election, the Supervisor of Elections has set a deadline of August 10 in order to get it on the November ballot. The Commission would have to act on the ballot Ordinance with a first reading and second reading/adoption prior to the deadline. There is a state requirement that the second reading/adoption meeting must be advertised no less than 10 days prior to the meeting.

Will the "visionary" gamble on this, still fight the citizens and continue to play games? If the required number of signatures is met and certified by the Supervisor of Elections office, then this item should  be placed on this Saturday's agenda post-haste.


  1. WHAT! People didn't work hard to gather 1758 signatures to have it put in the not yet approved March ballot.
    Get real Bornstein or go back to Lantana!

  2. " There is a state requirement that the second reading/adoption meeting must be advertised no less than 10 days prior to the meeting."Hopefully our employees are smart enough to follow the law.The press and people are following this one closely. Maxwell ,Triolo, and Amamroso are digging their holes deeper and deeper.40(probably more) people can still blanket the town with fliers telling the truth about how their elected officials are being jackasses,if it comes to that.
    Maxwell already has district one people waiting to run against him.If needed, Triolo and Amaroso can be kicked out of office as well by the door to door flier campaign.

  3. Nobody worried about the cost when Varella and his friends got together to screw the town over!

  4. Don't worry my friends for justice. It may take awhile,but all of our enemies evenyually get kicked out/fired from our town and our lives in Lake Worth,don't they?sigm me THE REVERENT GODDESS.

  5. Putting it into a March ballot would mean March 2014 if the election data changes and passes in Nov--. The CM or someone on staff really didn't think that one through. And they worry about law suits. LOL.

  6. Assuming the Supervisor of Elections certifies that there are sufficient signatures, the vote on height limitations should absolutely be in the November. The voters are entitled to vote on this matter as soon as possible.

    If this Commission continues its path of arrogance and plays games to avoid this referendum going on the November ballot, then everyone should vote against moving the elections to March if for no other reason than preventing the Maxwell, Trilolo, Amoroso group being in office one more day than they were elected to.

  7. But the charter allows the visionaries some time according to you Lynn, so, are you saying that the visionaries do not have the option to adhere To the charter language

    I'm confused on one hand every needs to follow the charter, but on the other hand, no one told us that the charter language and the commission still had some room in terms of the timing of the actual election date.

  8. I agree with you--you are "confused."

  9. if the March initiative passes in Nov, then it will apply to the Mayor, Dist 1 and District 3in 2013 being moved to March, 2014?
    How can the Height Petition be approved by Aug 10 if it needs 2 Commission Readings and a 10 day Notice Period. Will this require a Special Commission Meeting. Does this meet the requirements for a Special Commission meeting?

  10. 1st question = Yes.
    2nd question = the petitions must first be certified. If that happens, then there is time. This Saturday 1st reading and Aug 7 the 2nd reading.

  11. You are kidding,aren't you. After every thing you have said about this commissioner,you are now asking them to have a special meeting on Saturday.I don't even think all of them are in town.

  12. But the charter does not compel the commission to call a special meeting to meet anyones deadline or election cycle deadline

  13. There is a special meeting called for Saturday on a totally different subject. Why not research stuff before you open your mouth and insert foot?

  14. I'm sure Mayor Bloatard, Vice Mayor Evil Bully and Know Nothing Commissioner Amoroso will fall right in line.
