Thursday, July 26, 2012

The Lake Worth Pool

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It has been reported that the pool is damaged. Morganti, the casino contractor, says, "It's not I. I had nothing to do with any damage and I've got a video of the pool before and after the casino construction...don't pin that on me." The city is trying to come up with ways to keep our pool permanently closed and so far we don't know the extent of the damage or the cost to repair. City Manager Bornstein is mum.

When asked about it, the city manager said, "The first step is to find out what's wrong with the pool from a structural standpoint.  Operationally, while I am skeptical it can pay for a significant portion of its costs, I am always open to new ideas and options."

Mr. Bornstein, not everything we have has to pay for itself.   That's why people pay taxes. That's why cities provide services and amenities. Does any park we have pay for itself?  Does the gym?  Do some of our city buildings being leased out for a song pay for themselves?

This is what it looked like on Monday--a little bit dirty and messed up with some construction debris on the pavers. Other than that, it looks good!

Morganti said it was using our pool as one of its staging areas.
One half million into repairs and improvements
not to mention the $200,000 to Cory O'Gorman, the
project manager
and our pool has a problem now?
Let's start using some imagination and get our pool operational and stop dumping costs for the beach over into the pool account. Kids use this pool. Grannies use it for water exercises. The SEALS use it for training.  We could grab national meets from Wellington. Who wouldn't want to be at a Meet on the Atlantic Ocean?


  1. In Lake Worth nothing pays for it's self,and not everyone pays taxes.

  2. Everyone with a property pays some sort of a tax. You continue to harp on ad valorem which is based on property value and hold all those people to the fire because their properties dropped by 63% over 3 it's their fault.
    Regardless of ad valorem,
    We have--
    Children's Services Council tax
    F.I.N.D tax
    PBC Healthcare district tax
    Local school tax
    State school tax
    SFWMD Everglades Const. Project tax
    South Fla water Mge District tax
    South Fl water Mge _ Okee basin tax
    Solid waste special assessment
    LW water stormwater assessment tax

    We also pay taxes on Utilities--on telephone--cable, etc.

  3. Lynn, what about the nearly 40 percent of people that do not pay taxes?

  4. What service do we cut to pay for the pool deficits? Police? Fire?
    The library has already cut out Monday operating hours.
    This seems to be worse than other cities that don't augment their General Fund Revenues with a Utility Tax.

  5. Very upsetting, but based on the pool issue it looks like we dodged a major bullet with Greater Bay.

    We need to assert a counter claim in the Greater Bay litigation for their failure to repair the pool as they were paid hundred of thousands of dollars to do.

    That pool is a major asset and with the renovated Casino why wouldn't attendance and memberships pick up?

  6. With all thar construction debris around the pool, isn't it logical to assume that Morganti's activities ought to be researched or investigated or something?

  7. 40% in LW or nationally? What sort of taxes specifically are you talking about? I think I answered you.

  8. Don't forget sales tax that everyone pays.

  9. Lake Worth's Olympic size Oceanfront swimming pool is, an incredibly valuable asset of Lake Worth ,paid for and maintained for many years, by Citizens with capable, responsible employees, subject to strong management.It is the pride of any Beach front City, of which Lake Worth is the only one.
    The duty of all Lake Worth Administrations is to maintain this
    jewel among City assets,and keep it available for Citizens and tourists, for aquatic excercises, teaching children swimming to reduce small childrens drawning,for seniors' water aerobics, preventing immobility,International meets(organized by knowledgeable people which brings revenue), not by Commissions,who have only caused damaged and are making our Olympic size swimming pool deteriorate, contrary to their sworn duty, to uphold the well being of Lake Worth Citizens,
    and maintaind all their public properties
    in pristine conditions. Only lazy irresponsible bums would suggest destroying City assets, with clear potentital of revenue generation, .3 sleazy Commissioners and Jeff Clemens, allowed Gtreater Bay to start the destruction of our public owned Olympic size swimming pool.The pump was omitted from repair,Clemens did not even know!The present Commission ,if not of the same base criminal essence,would restore it to its' owners:
    All :Lake Worth Citizens.
    Wellington recently created one and made it a succes.
    Lake Worth has been unfortunate that it has had only incompetent,selfpromoting windbags for Commission members!

    The losers on the new Commission,who shun resposibility for any source of revenue generation,want to destroy all potential revenue resources they have to manage, and oversee.Let them get lost!The new wishy washy City manager, should know that such asset needs to be restored to bring revenue, what is he kissing, for a pay check of OUR money????

  10. "... not everything we have has to pay for itself. That's why people pay taxes. That's why cities provide services and amenities. Does any park we have pay for itself? Does the gym? Do some of our city buildings being leased out for a song pay for themselves?"

    Interesting. You may want to discuss that socialist attitude with some of your GOTP pals.

  11. What is the purpose of government in your eyes? To live in safety is one. to provide certain services is another. I gave you examples of assets such as parks where we do not charge people. What gives you the idea that everything should have a fee connected to it when people pay taxes to support those assets anyway? Would this not be double taxation?

    Forget it. You just like to be arbitrary. :)

  12. I would ask to see a copy of this tape. What bullshit. If Morganti knew it was tilted,who else did? And why was this NEVER mentioned?!? If not Morganti,then crap job by Pugh? SOMEBODY needs to fix our pool. It didn't break itself!!!!!
