Sunday, July 29, 2012

Taking the low road - The Gang Bangers

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PB Post article

Chief Banger

The commission meeting started out as a joke. The City Manager, Michael Bornstein, who well knows the political ropes, didn't even have the city attorney there for this meeting. His excuse?  "She was busy." The city attorney is there for all meetings but yesterday was an exception. This was one of the most important political meetings of the year. She needed to be there to set Maxwell and the rest of the trio straight.

Maxwell even trashed our signatures saying there were people from all over the place and some people had signed twice. That is why signatures are certified and each one is looked at carefully. The signatures were scrutinized and counted by the Supervisor of Elections. They discounted 3.7% of those turned unprecedented low amount. The PAC worked as carefully as they could.

 The rest of the Banger Team

No one understands the motivate of Maxwell, Triolo or Amoroso as they voted to disallow the Charter Amendment to be placed on the November ballot.  Never giving a reason other than the electorate must be educated, Maxwell, Triolo and Amoroso voted to bypass the November ballot and hold a special election in March. Instead of a 101 day wait, it will now be a 227 day wait. If you think about it, the PAC had certified signatures of at least half the registered voters who turn out in a March election. The Bangers strategy would have been better to vote to allow this to be placed this November.

One needs to understand that a commission can make changes to a Comprehensive Plan. This trio just did that. Essentially they could make all sorts of amendments to the Comp Plan and build to 100 feet and 65 feet per the present Charter. The only recourse we have as citizens, to keep heights and maintain a low-rise city, is to do a Charter Amendment restricting heights in our downtown.

Have you ever been in a room where someone told a joke and everyone laughed at the punchline but you? That was the feeling here. This Commission has packed the Planning Boards with "their people" and have denied, for the third time, the right of the people to vote on this issue in November. They would deny it all together, if they could.

Their false allegation of the Charter Amendment being a "political ploy" by those up for re-election is untrue and offensive and only grasping at straws again. Voting to spend anywhere from $20 thousand to $30 thousand for a special election is reckless and more bad politics. This delay tactic is about giving them more than adequate time to raise the money to defeat the Amendment and to put their constituents in "their proper place."

People will be concentrating on Obama and the presidential race this November as well as two local seats that are up for election. This gives the trio 4 additional months to raise money. But it could be that something else is going on with this less than transparent trio visionary gang bang team.


  1. If as you say the residents really want this to pass than you should have no problem getting a win in March. However, if folks are concentrating on the Pres election in November they may not really care about your amendment or take the time to study it's consequences. So in my opinion the fairest time to put this on the ballot is March. Each side can present he facts and no one will be distracted by other events.

  2. It may be a good thing that the important vote on heights in the business district will be in March. I certainly think we need to be thoroughly informed on this issus. While the positions of Mulvehill and McVoy are well known, We ought to find out the positions and reasons for the positions of their November opponents. Of course, the reasons for Triolo, Maxwell and Amoroso should be well understood as well.

    I recently found out that the developers were not responsible for the double stacked townhouses, the building of the townhouses up to the sidewalk and the density of the townhouse projects. It seems the Zoning Ordinances and LDR's required them that way and the Head of Planning & Zoning, Sharon Jackson, would not allow any exceptions to be considered.
    It makes me very concerned about exactly what the Zoning Ordinances and LDR's say today.

  3. Yeah--I hear your argument which is NO argument at all.

    This trio had plenty of time to raise money to defeat this. They have now elected to spend upwards to $30,000 to have a special election.

    Bad decision. Bad politics.

  4. 9:46--very wild statement. Ask one of your trio officials. I bet they can't answer your concerns or have a clue.

  5. These three are shameless and should be recalled.

  6. The developers brought in the projects and the P&Z approved of them with each requested variance.
    Ask Wes he was Chair.
    No variance request was ever turned down.

  7. anon at 10;27 start another petition to get them recalled

  8. It would seem that many people don't understand or care to admit the Zoning Ordinances and LDR's in existance in the 2005-2007.

  9. There seems to be a disconnect here between the then existing development Rules and Variances.

    I will ask William Waters on Monday.

  10. Very unfriendly reps you have in lake worth. How did you people get so lucky?

  11. Pam Triolo lied her ass of about who she was to get into office. So did Amamroso. For the people? Moderate? We will listen to all citizens? My ASS!Triolo,Amamroso,you two SUCK!!Everyone knew Maxwell was a sock-puppet just waiting for a hand,but nobody ran against him. Thank GOD!!! That will not be the case next election.Word is that Plotkin will run against Mcvoy next time. She couldn't even do her job as Secretary of the FAB board and she thinks she is qualified to run a city?!? Just a note of warning,Plotkin- a Commissioner seat is harder to steal than the office of Neighborhood President,which your significant other stole several years ago.Just sayin,baby. You better watch out,it's hotter in the fire than in the frying pan.

  12. You guys really are sore losers. You lost an election and now three commissioners who think differently than you do vote against you. So what do you do. Form a PAC ,demand your rights but than tell these same commissioners to do it your way and put this on the November ballot. When you lost that one you ran to the press and yelled that the system is unfair even though everyone is playing by the rules. Now you try to scare someone who may run against McVoy. It seems to me you folks need to learn how the system works and sto being a bunch of baby sore losers. You lost. Met over it. (I know you won't publish this but I thought you needed to hear how one of the people feels.)

  13. I've heard it all before...actually worse than that.

    How you are assessing the bully dais is wrong. That's all I can say to you. It has nothing to do with being a sore loser. It has everything to do with three people up there (and how do you know I didn't vote for any of them?) who want their way at the expense of the residents and the City?

    They are acting like spoiled brats who are consumed by power, not elected officials who represent all of the people.

    No one "demanded" anything. PBCounty was compatible...they were not. They should have taken the high road. Instead, they decided to show all of us who was boss. Sick little trio.

    And you think I should have trouble sleeping at night? We know exactly how the system works. I just have never seen it so corrupt.

    Thanks for your post.

  14. Well I disagree with you. I think amending the Charter is an extreme measure that stops the city from even seeing it's potential. There are some great potential projects that will never come to Lake Worth if this passes. Your group is so afraid that the system will fail you and allow another Lucerne that your willing to put a blanket height resrtiction on everying piece of land. I say that's a wrong way to go. I do not believe that your Trio will destroy this city and hand it over to developers. The land laws need to be fixed. We need smart development. We don't need a group of scared folks yelling that the sky is falling. We need our city to have every option that all other cities have to grow a tax base that will pay for city services. This amendment has the potential to bite us in the ass unless we take the time to fully understand what it means. The sad thing is that you distrust our government/city system so much.

  15. More density is the answer for you? Who do you think will be paying for the infrastructure and the resources to service those higher buildings? Not the developer. So, it will be more taxes for this density and the tax base will not improve. We the taxpayer will be paying for all the services and the CRA downtown gets the money.

    Have you ever noticed all the empty buildings in other towns--the highrises and over development. The developer is the one who made out--no one else did.

    Such a deal.

    Just start concentrating on the Park of Commerce where this commission voted down higher heights...a really silly move.

  16. Anon 9:37. This commission stopped over $100 million of projects ready to come here when they stopped the ZIP. Let's get it right, mayor, when you have something to say. Advice--you're listening to all the wrong people. You have made so many mistakes this year--it is tragic.

  17. Whether you are for or against the height amendment, I think we could all agree that this City does not have an extra $30,000 laying around to fund a special election that was completely unnecessary. We are cutting staff, we don't have funds for basic services and this commission, many of which ran on a platform of fiscal responsibility voted to spend $30,000 on a special election.

    That, to me, is the biggest issue .

  18. To Lynn and anon at 8:13 I guess I was at a different meeting, when Pam Lopez said that a March election would not cost $30,000.00 because all the other cities already hold their elections in March.
