Friday, July 13, 2012

Story Teller

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Obama admits that he's told some "stories."

Obama continues to allow outsourcing of U.S. jobs and this is the last straw.


  1. Ralph Lauren's billion dollar garments and household decorator products are all made in China, denying Americans,jobs in those Industries.Ralp Lauren is not Mitt Romney, who has not outsourced this multi billion dollar
    Will the liars of the Obama Campaign admit to this?Water seeks it's own level, Obama matches his campaigners to his Chicago level, not Michigan Ave. but the slums, where there are no morals and no ethics, jobs outsourced by Obama are omitted!!!, forced by Union wage levels.Making it Impossible to compete with global market.
    Obama gave the Chinese $450,000,000 of our money to help them establish a Chinese Windturbine Industry,with 7 of our Top windturbine engineers, now generating billions for the Chinese, and millions of Chinese jobs,in competetion with America.(Check P.B.Post art.with pict.)We need more of his......?

  2. I would like to hear the true story of why Mitt will not produce his Tax Returns, If he was not the CEO of Baine Capitol he should have nothing to HIDE

  3. His ten-year severance agreement with Bain Capital ended in 2009.

    It must have to do with his off shore accounts as well as the tremendous amount of money he made while there.

    We have had several presidents who were extremely wealthy--John Kennedy comes to mind. It is not a crime to be wealthy. It is not a crime to not pay much in taxes thanks to all the loop holes in our tax codes.

    I agree. He should have come clean and not just release 2 years of returns.

  4. I agree anon at 10;39 something is not right, I feel if he is trying to hide this there must be more that must be being hidden. In my opinion, I do not belive that he was no longer with Baine, and the people should know the truth.
