Thursday, July 19, 2012

Scott Maxwell and his Political Charm

And don't even think about complaining about heat.
Nothing bugs me more than to hear citizens whine about voting
and what their downtown should look like.
 They can't be serious, right visionaries?
I'm right; you lose.
Funck you, Granny.


  1. Grannies, can be annoying

  2. I wish someone had run against him who lives in his district. I just hate that he is still in. And he was a comm years ago too. We need people to step up to the plate and serve, we need better than this and new blood who cares and treats people with respect. I am fed up with incumbents and will not be voting for any in other upcoming elections int he future. We need term limits for all of them and if they have been in once or for a while, not allowed to run again. No to incumbents and now to how Mr. Maxwell treats citizens. We deserve better, no to mediocrity. The city and its people deserve quality and care from all leaders.

  3. Maxwell is becoming like that old comm. Bo Allen, he was bad news and went down in history in our city as a big fool too.

  4. To M:
    Stop your anonymous posts here. Knock off the "pinkie" stuff. Do you want to see RED? I am sick of you and your BS. If you don't have anything meaningful to contribute other than the personal attacks, go back to bed--have another drink--

  5. Maxwell like to confuse the public with double speak and then complain that an issue is too confusing for the public to understand.
    Example: He and the mayor rant about too many rentals and then 5 minutes later vote to up-zone a single family neighborhood to multi-family!

  6. Grannies can also be indearing, have intelligence and know what in the heck they are talking about.
