Monday, July 23, 2012

Respectful Planning PAC's Chair on News tonight

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Laurel Decker, Chairman of Respectful Planning PAC, to be on Channel 25 News tonight 5pm and 6pm. Tune in to listen to the interview.

All petitions are now in the hands of the Supervisor of Elections and the count should be finished by the end of this week. We will know if we have the required number or if we need to go out and get a few more.


  1. Thanks for everyone who worked going door to door for our citizens right to vote.I had tons of fun handing out fliers telling people which Commissioners don't think that people are smart enough to vote.I can't believe that we are right back to where we were seven years ago. Back to the days when the issue on Sunset was put last on the agenda,even though over one hundred people,some with little kids,came to defend the single family neighborhoods.Back to a Commission that wants to do things with NO transparency.Back to a Commission that willingly follows the whisperings of a staff that does nothing but lie.Scott Maxwell does not want anybody to know what is happening at the utilities dept so that he can work a deal with FPL behind closed doors.How much will it be worth it to Morganti to make his fuc$ up with the pool go away when they demolish our pool?We'll never know. More dirty deals behind closed doors.Congratulations for being the most corrupt Commission in recent memory Pam(blotard) Triolo,Scott(out of the Sunshine)Maxwell and Andy (the Flunky) Amaroso.

  2. Its an important issue that the citizens should vote on (as they did in WPB).

    If those in favor of tall buildings in our historic neighborhoods and historic downtown can convince the population that its a positive, good thing, then they shouldn't be afraid of a vote.

  3. Until you mentioned them by name I would have sworn you were talking about Jennings/Golden/Mulvehill

  4. While we can respect your fight and want to keep this city low, not all people agree, we need to think about urban sprawl and be responsible about that, many who want low, don't THINK about that or being REALLY green. I saw Laurel on TV, it was short, but she needs to recall, not all here feel as she does about keeping it low, it needs to be balanced and we all need to be responsible and accept growth and gentrification in a green eco system city.

  5. Urban sprawl is deplorable-- no doubt about that. We had an opportunity to stop this to some degree but because of special interests, Amendment 4 was voted down. I personally, as well as 99% of people, are NOT responsible for sprawl. Look to weak commissions and look to the building industry with a big lobby that is ruining the State of Florida and killing off animals to do it as well as helping to raise taxes to the taxpayers where they are building.

    Our city is totally built out other than the Park of Commerce. We do NOT need any more residential properties built here. What developers could do is buy lots and build new. Do the same on Dixie Highway.

    So, to continue with this "we need to build up theory", does not wash.

  6. To the "person" who just tried to post here in order to smear the good name of Commissioner Mulvehill--

    Ms. Mulvehill lives alone on S. K Street. Ms. Decker lives alone on N. D Street. Ms. Decker was her adviser in past campaigns.

    It was Commissioner Mulvehill's idea to go to referendum. Laurel Decker ran with the idea, later becoming Chair of the PAC.
