Monday, July 23, 2012

Respectful Planning PAC turns in signatures to City Clerk

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In only 27 days, an overwhelming number of registered voters signed the petition to restrict heights in  downtown Lake Worth. As they told us, "No more 65 foot buildings...we like our city as it is."

The petitions were turned into the City Clerk, Pam Lopez, at 9:10am this morning by the Pac's Chair, Laurel Decker. Laurel is a former member of Lake Worth's Finance Advisory Board.

Laurel signing PAC check to the Supervisor of Elections. Standing by is Carolyn Deli, Treasurer of Respectful Planning PAC and a top petitioner. All petitions will be forwarded to the Supervisor of Elections by the end of business today.


  1. THANKS to the Respectful Planning PAC for their hard work –done efficiently, effectively, and in a timely manner. Thanks for living up to your name as respectful petitioners who went out to the people and listened to what they want: the right to vote on an important issue in our City. A right denied by 3 members of the current Commission. Why are those 3 so afraid of letting residents decide on this issue? They drew a line in the sand when they didn’t have to, yet continually complain about others being divisive.

    The election in November will be important for many reasons: national, regional, and local. In Lake Worth, this issue of heights will have its proper place on the ballot. Let the people vote & the chips fall where they may.

    We Americans respect our Constitution, but that great document requires Amendments every so often. The First Amendment is one of the most important. It stands for freedom of religion, freedom of speech & press, and “the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.”

  2. I believe there will now be a verification period with the SOE and, of course, a recanting of some signatures as a result of opposition to the Ballot initiative.
    When will we know if this will make the ballot?

  3. Congratulations on getting so many signatures. On behalf of all the residents who are away for the summer and could not go door to door with you, here is a big THANK YOU.

  4. Great - now we can see who signed the petition. It will be interesting to see the certification done by the SOE. Per Florida Statute 98.065 (3), "A registration list maintenance program must be conducted by each supervisor, at a minimum, in each odd-numbered year and must be completed not later than 90 days prior to the date of any federal election." If that was being done by Ms. Bucher, we wouldn't have the problems that we do with the voter roll.

  5. Congratulations on getting the height of buildings signatures. Now you can rest.

  6. The voter's list seems rather outdated but then, LW is such a transient city full of renters.

  7. I signed the petition b/c I think the voters should decide this issue. When I signed it was not a vote for or against building heights but rather a vote to vote. The commissioners and those that influence the commission should not get the final say on this most important issue.

    The individual that came to my door was respectful, truthful and upfront about what the petition would and would not accomplish. Appreciate all the hard work, I hope it gets on the ballot and I look forward to hearing why I should or should not vote for taller buildings. If those that are in favor can give me some great ideas, I might vote for it, but so far I haven't heard any.

  8. Are the new Commission members currying favor with developers, like Jeff Clemens, and Romano who wanted to give our Beach restoration to a Developer for $19,000,000,- without cap(I saved all Newspaper art.)?Laurence Mcnamara who created the Charter Amendment PREVENTING, sale,lease,hypothecating etc, of our L.W.'s loyal Citizens owned Beach, WITH A LEASE TIME LIMIT OF 20 years!!!!This benefits ALL LAKE WORTH CITIZENS,not just one family!
    That family can now enjoy Lake Worth Beach not owned with illegal leases without time Limit,by adding unlimited Construction time rights.
    I am glad that Parilla helped ONE family and according to new Commission members is a hero for all 35.000 Citizens(few except his neighborhood know him), while Laurence McNamara,father of the World Champion Big Wave (70ft) Surfing ,mentioned in Guiness Book of records,
    was intentionally omitted as having been beneficial to all 35.000 Lake Worth Citizens,majority of which knows him as a perfect,moral genetleman,not appreciated by City crooks.
    Our friends still buy their newspapers from Andy Amaroso's News stand at 502 Lake Avenue. Gifts galore too!

  9. Why is Mary Lindsay answering the new City Manager's telephone, which gives her access to all confidential, private Citizens information, source for blackmailing and a person whose thinking is questioned. Take her public City Hall raging, hysterical speeches.
    The Commission and City Manager, and City Clerk are bound by LAW to protect All Citizens Privacy.
    Lindsay helped the new occupant of our Mayoral seat, Pam Triolo Clemens,and Amaroso get elected .Is this her compensation?
    Read today Palm Beach Post about a similar case, being sued for now.

  10. Mulvehil claimed she had nothing to do with the PAC, yet the post has said she was instrumental in the forming of the PAC which is it???

  11. Which is it? I thought i commented on that.
    Why not Ask Commissioner Mulvehill directly? As far as I know it, Commissioner Mulvehill casually mentioned the idea of a referendum. I mentioned the same thing to the Vice MAYOR. The idea caught on and a PAC was formed by Bob Eliot who later dropped out from political pressure, IMO.
    Commissioner Mulvehill volunteered for the PAC to collect signatures. That was her only involvement with the PAC.

    I can't be more specific than that. If that doesn't answer it for you, I would suggest going to Mulvehill.
