Thursday, July 26, 2012

Respectful Planning PAC petitions OK

Comment Up

Supervisor of Elections

Certifies Petitions

Height restrictions for our downtown will be on the ballot.


  1. Go to town Marty, Mary and the rest of you who don't believe people should vote on this.

  2. Lake Worth's newly elected Commission memebrs, promised to do the will of the Taxpayers of Lake Worth when sworn in!
    Their first act to try do destroy our City's Land use Regulations articles,is disrespectful and shows their swearing is based on LIES. We paid $1.200.000 to determine the will of the majority of thinking Lake Worth Citizens as to the what OUR City must look like to keep it's mass appeal, because of it's low-rise small Town warm character, which attracts Tourism and new resident home owners,who immediately feel part of that intimate inclusive atmosphere!
    Even the simplest element, knows ,nobody comes to look at Condos, concrete boxes of human storage,denying any personal identity!Nobody comes to look at the Lake Worth Commission,with its' $7,000,000 Deficit and dishonest,disrespectful,ignorant majority.

  3. Who is Off Med? And will make the next,raging hysterical rants at City Hall, making believe to be messenger of facts representing fellow crackpots????
    Pam must ignore this craziness, and tell her to sell it somewhere else, as Lake Worth City Hall is all stocked up with it!

  4. Well I've said it all along. While I would not sign the petition, because of the distortions, I'm for allowing those who gathered the signatures to have it put to the voters. It's hard work and you should be congratulated for your effort.

    The signatures gathered did not make the deadline and therefore the question cannot be placed on the ballot without asking the very same "dishonest, disrespectful and ignorant" people to call a special meeting to accommodate your request. Actually, request and asking is probably not in the cards. Your DEMAND of the ones you same people you belittle may come back to haunt you. How's that for visionary?

    It will be interesting to see how this works out. If I were one of the ones being called names for using my better judgement and representing "my" constituents instead of the anti-development crowd, I don't know that I'd do anything to reward their hateful speech and dishonest campaign.

    If they do put it on the ballot, it will be up to us to educate voters of the restrictive nature, which could hurt us, of the charter amendment, that three stories and 45' are not scraping the sky or blotting out the sun in the downtown area and that 65' East of Federal IS appropriate due to so many other buildings already built there of similar size.

    What's strange is that in this whole scenario, has anyone asked what real "urban planners" would recommend? What makes the most sense for Lake Worth in the long run?

  5. The required certified signatures DID make the deadline for this November. I believe that you are a little mistaken here--it is this majority commission that was name calling. Their distortion, pulling the item from the agenda at the last minute and the downright lies MOTIVATED us to complete the task. NO ONE lied during this campaign. If you think so, PROVE IT. It is easy to hurl insults and denigrate all those who worked on this.

    I simply love your arrogance that you will leave it up to you and friends to educate all of us ignorant folks. This is a big reason why you are held in low esteem with so many.

  6. To Anon at 11:02 What new homeowners? I only see investors buying up and renting to the type if people that have been keeping the city down for years;

  7. I have a few questions of Anonymous:

    1. What distortions are you referring to?
    2. What was dishonest about the campaign?
    3. When you say "real" urban planner, do you mean those professionals who change their preferred planning model every ten years or so? Yes, we have asked them. They usually talk about "scale". Small town, small scale.

    The "real" urban planners should be the people who live here, wouldn't you agree?!

    Who will bring in outside money and outside organizations to demonize those of us who want to have input in our city's future? Is that your idea of "real" urban planning?

    No special meeting had to be scheduled for the ordinance reading, it was added to meetings already scheduled. Thankfully, because the mayor and vice-mayor were unresponsive to my phone calls and emails. Heaven forbid Jo-Ann, Christopher, or Suzanne don't respond to every email or phone call they receive! They're practically tarred and feathered for it.

  8. Anony at 144. Investors buying up all the properties so that they and their corrupt friends on the new P&Z can approve of heights and more heights I presume?

  9. I can't imaging wanting to be held in "high esteem" by those wanting to keep Lake Worth from reaching its potential.

    Mention Delray Beach, for example, neein a favorable light and you are labeled as some sort of development whore. But it was Delray Beach that just received "The most fun city in America" award and not Lake Worth.

    Yes, I would like us to emulate success. I view Delray Beach as a success. It doesn't have anything to do with heights. Many in Lake Worth have a mentality of keeping us poor and affordable and a "sanctuary".

    I'm sorry you were insulted and it's not YOU that we will try to reach. It is all those people who were "educated" by well intentioned people that the sun would be blotted out and sky scrapers would make Lake and Lucerne a "condo canyon". (with graphic depictions)

    You think the flavor of Lake Worth is only attributed to us being "low rise". Delray Beach concentrated on its perception of being "low rent". That's when they started to realize their potential. It's time we do the same.

  10. Congrats to PAC for an amazing job done incredibly quickly, under constant duress from the mayor & vice mayor, and with complete UN-cooperation of the City Manager and City Clerk.

    People use blogs to vent. Fine. But what counts is what is on the record at City Hall. Public comments & Emails that are NOT anonymous. As well as the words & actions of the city officials on the dais & city staff.

    I urge everyone to review the video or written minutes of the previous city comm meeting. Every person speaking on the record on behalf of or in favor of the PAC initiative was well spoken in a normal tone, thoughtful and to the point, and RESPECTFUL to the dais and everyone in Lake Worth. They had a simple request to put this issue on the ballot so the people can vote on it this November.

    In return, the mayor & vice mayor --along with their supporters-- spoke on the record in loud, harsh, accusatory & mocking tones. They called the petitioners a minority fringe, devisive trouble makers, mis-informed on the facts, manipulative of the people for evil purposes, disruptive in the chambers, and more than once called them out & out LIARS.

    Don't take my word for it. Look at the video or read the written minutes. The Respectful Planning PAC is indeed respectful. It's the Mayor & Vice Mayor (and their vocal supporters) that are disrespectful & downright nasty.

    The fact that the City Manager goes along with this bullying behavior speaks volumes, even when he says nothing.

    The mayor & vice mayor claim they don't want "divisiveness" --but when given the opportunity to compromise & be cooperative, they just say NO. Because they have 3 votes so nah, nah, nah. And everyone in the back row applauds and cheers. That is mature behavior, right?

    Yes, it will be interesting to see how this continues to play out. Everything may not be decided this November, but things will surely change next time the Mayor & Vice Mayor come up for re-election. (PS: Andy gets a pass, for being smart enough to keep his mouth shut, except for saying "second" and voting along with the other 2.)

  11. Hey Jack--why don't you stay in Delray?

  12. From the Washington Post in April--

    America’s top 10 fun cities: 1. Atlanta 2. New York 3. Chicago 4. San Francisco 5. Dallas 6. Los Angeles 7. Washington, D.C. 8. Boston 9. Houston 10.

    Don't see Delray anywhere. We should ask Jack.

  13. typical bad politics. Triolo and Maxwell sure know how to win friends and influence people. Gads. What's in their diet to make them both so hateful as well as the fat butts on the back row being rude as hell? They are consuming something that the rest of us have not. Calories? Sugar? Does that make you hateful and lie?

  14. To answer Laurel:

    1. What distortions are you referring to? Depictions of buildings built up to the sidewalk and large boxes. Since there could not be buildings built in such a manner according to William Waters, that could constitute a distortion.

    2. What was dishonest about the campaign? I had a neighbor state she signed the petition because the gatherer stated that the heights downtown would be "unrestricted" and that the commission could approve "16 story buildings" if we don't stop them.
    Does any of that sound dishonest?

    3. When you say "real" urban planner, do you mean those professionals who change their preferred planning model every ten years or so? Yes, we have asked them. They usually talk about "scale". Small town, small scale. I have also heard the word "scale" mentioned. It also relates to the size of a particular building to the lot on which it sits. In other words, the only place you could put anything higher than 3 stories is limited to about 3 properties East of Federal. So all this effort is to keep three lots from achieving the "scale" of the buildings around them.

    Nobody is trying to demonize you. Nobody is calling you names. I simply think Lake Worth needs flexibility in planning decisions that could help link our downtown with the Intracoastal and A Street. That would be smart planning.

  15. That's a joke, right, 237 above?

    No. 1. Those graphics have been explained. How come you continue to rant about them? They depict the visual of what 65 feet looks like. Many people have no conception of what a 65 foot building looks like. As stated, these graphics were rarely used, if ever. After it was brought to so much lying about them, I did use a graphic one day. Gave me a whole lot of pleasure.

    No. 2. No way was there any volunteer who said such a thing. Perhaps this resident is confused. Do you believe everything you hear third hand? You weren't there.

    No. 3. The commission voted to change the Comp Plan to 65 feet. With waivers, public benefits, etc. that could conceivably go even higher. If the commission had respected all the work of the former P&Z board, the consensus at the January Tri-Meeting and didn't treat them like dog dung, this petition never would have happened. Have you ever heard of anyone, ever, buying multiple lots?

    The charter amendment will restrict heights in our downtown to 35/45. If you can't build a hotel or building at 4 stories, then that developer/investor needs to change professions.

  16. "If they do put it on the ballot, it will be up to us to educate voters of the restrictive nature, which could hurt us, of the charter amendment, that three stories and 45' are not scraping the sky or blotting out the sun in the downtown area and that 65' East of Federal IS appropriate due to so many other buildings already built there of similar size".

    What uninformed CRAP from the above poster.Triolo,Maxwell,Amaroso and employees wanted 65' from A street to the intracoastal.THE MAJORITY OF CITIZENS IN LAKE WORTH DON"T WANT 65' in our downtown corridor!And when you say "it will be up to us" just who is US ?!?And your lies disguised as "EDUCATION" will be financed from out of town developer's organizations and Chambers of Commerce from around the state and nation.You and your fellow greedy bastards are terrified to let the citizens have a say in what happens to their town.Go ahead and spend your millions. The people will have already been innoculated against your crap.And your puppets, Maxwell ,Triolo and Amaroso will be kicked out of office. These three have cut their political throats.The people are PISSED. And the best thing of all-the three bullies brought this all down on their own heads.

  17. No joke.

    Laurel asked 3 questions. I answered them. The hideous graphics got the desired affect. Now my neighbor is being called a liar, but true, I wasn't there. I guess you were.

    Now you say they could go higher than 65'? Downtown? When I was there I heard 45' downtown with design specifications calling for stepped back buildings after 2 stories so that no building "blotted out the sun" and leaving East of Federal 65" which is the SAME as its been for the last.... when was the Gulfstream built? 1925?

    I guess "blotting out the sun" is not a distortion either.

    You all are losing your minds over 3 possible properties East of Federal Hwy. unless someone wants to buy up a bunch of properties to redevelop an entire block. How terrible.

  18. No. 1. Those graphics have been explained. How come you continue to rant about them? They depict the visual of what 65 feet looks like. Many people have no conception of what a 65 foot building looks like. As stated, these graphics were rarely used, if ever. After it was brought to so much lying about them, I did use a graphic one day. Gave me a whole lot of pleasure.

    Respectively submitted, those graphics showed no setbacks, nor the set backs for each floor as the height increased and therefore were not representative of what could be built.

  19. Thanks, Loretta. Or is it Jack? Or is it Scott? The fact is many people opened their doors and were spoken to for just a few minutes so that we had timed to go over the language of the referendum. It was hot and they didn't like the sun beating in their faces anymore than we. They all signed my petitions that were presented per the ballot language. That is all I CAN ATTEST TO. No volunteer for this PAC is stupid.

    The graphics were used more by YOUR group than this PAC. Which reminds me, I did not get my LW Herald last week but I want to thank Mark personally for all the publicity. I understand that he printed the graphics. You did us all a big favor.

    I think it is YOU who might be making a big stink over this. If you're not worried about height restrictions, then why all the fuss? Why are you all trying so hard to dream up lies about what we said?

    This is so typical of every petition drive I have ever been involved with.

  20. Anonymous at 4:50. thanks. You have said this over and over again. You are correct. I have explained the graphic. You do NOT WANT TO LISTEN. But, it does not negate the 65 feet, now does it?

  21. Laurel—as you requested:
    1. What distortions are you referring to?----Your explanation notwithstanding, your handouts were factually incorrect and blatant propaganda as opposed to a truthful representation.
    2. What was dishonest about the campaign?----The commission isn’t denying anybody the right to vote. We had a whole Comp Plan Revision, in which you were very active, to address citizen input. Also, we do not have a Town Hall form of government, so everything isn’t voted upon with a ballot Initiative.
    3. When you say "real" urban planner, do you mean those professionals who change their preferred planning model every ten years or so?-----so what are you suggesting, that we go back to the 100 ft and 65 foot heights in the last Comp Plan?

  22. You didn't like the flier that was factually correct? It was this commission that changed the comp Plan. Are you telling me that you hear and really listen to other voices other than your own? Too much.

  23. I cannot believe that the PAC and it's signers are willfully going to dash any prospects for someone to buy the Gulfstream Hotel. Lynn, when u say that any hotelier isn't worth his salt if he can't make a hotel work with 3 you really know the economics of what will turn a profit for a hotel, and what will not?
    If so, as you are fond of stating, please prove it.
    If you have a spread sheet showing how the hoteliers can do it, I'm sure they'd LOVE to hear from you! And how great to have a few 3 story hotels downtown - seriously! There's a reason why no-one has jumped on that bandwagon.
    3 lots downtown that could be higher than 45 ft.
    You want to deny LW the potential of 3 bloody bldgs, no higher than 65 ft.
    And this would mean we turn immediately into the WPB skyline.

  24. This is about the city of Lake Worth and keeping it a low rise city. It is not about making developers wealthy. Have you never heard of a 4 story hotel? Never? If a developer wants to build one he will make money here. If someone wants to buy a 4 story hotel, that person will make money. We need a hotel to open here and it will be the only game in town.

    There are plenty of small hotels and 4 story hotels. Please tell me about the economics. Developers want to make as much as they possibly can. Enough is never enough.

    Also, it is not quite as simple as you state it.

    As far as the Gulfstream is concerned, that property next to them can be developed to 4 stories. How does this hinder a buyer? The biggest hindrance to the Gulfstream is the lack of parking. Waters has already said that a parking garage can be build 4 stories.

    I know you are frustrated with this but if you open that can of worms and allow heights, the entire downtown, down the road, will slowly change and we will not have our small town any longer. That's my belief.

  25. Thank you for your reply Lynn - what I believe you miss, is that a nice hotel here would make money for the CITY.
    Not just the developers as you state.
    Anti development within reason is one thing. But in LW's situation (ie: not making it financially) we need some things to change. The vision the previous Commission had for the city was NOT going to get us out of $$ trouble.
    Attracting some development is a GOOD thing Lynn.
    Why do you think businesses keep opening and closing in Lake Worth?
    Because they just don't 'get' the charm of the city? That's what it sounds like.
    We are floundering. period.
    One or two viable commercial bldgs (and that's it!) would make a huge difference to the city.
    But all I hear is the PAc out there, decrying any change that would help us flourish.
    Why is it all or nothing?
    Why is it that we will turn into WPB if we allow 2 commercial buildings to come into town - (and nowhere near the heights of WPB. Ever.)

  26. I'm one of those folks in the middle. I'm for smart growth, smart, responsible development while respecting and embracing our historic nature and the uniqueness of LW.

    I've lived east of Federal, both in Bryant Park and in Parrot Cove, in close proximity to the downtown corridor.

    We are also landlords to a rental property in the south end of the city, so we have experience dealing with the city as a business owner.

    We are in the process of refinancing our home in Parrot Cove to take advantage of the lower interest rates. As such, I have spent the last two or three weeks researching sales in Parrot Cove. I have to report that sales are up, prices are up.

    I signed the petition, the person who came to our home was respectful, truthful and non judgmental. I don't know how I'll vote on this issue but I believe strongly that we should be able to vote.

    I thinks its interesting to hear that people think 65 foot high buildings are appropriate because they are already there. To me that is very similar to the McMansioning of our historic neighborhoods. P&Z, which has just be reworked to get rid of the community folks and stacked with realtors and developers approves one non-conforming McMansion, then the next person comes along and points to the period non-conforming structure in getting their McMansion approved.

    East of Federal you have the 6 story, empty structure at 2nd Ave. North which towers over the historic homes in Parrot Cove, so now these developers want to bull doze and put up more empty 6 story structures in the middle of a single family historic community. This change in zoning is not limited to the area between Lake and Lucerne, which I could perhaps support but rather pushes into our neighborhoods like a cancer. Once the developers have a toe hold, they will of course start pushing further and further into the community, proposing hotels on the golf course and I'll turn around and have 3-6 story buildings next to my 1920s house. I don't want that.

    And, I am also upset that after spending years and tons of money figuring out a growth plan for Lake Worth, each new group of commissioners comes in and decides to throw out all that work and start over. W

  27. why does everyone focus on the developers getting rich?? A few full hotels downtown would do wonders for alot of the struggling stores and restaurants downtown. These entrepreneurs took a chance in LW when everyone told them of the disadvantages (spotty/expensive power, the towns questionable tax base and views towards business in general, sanctuary city , ect). Dont these hard working people deserve a chance to succeed like there neighbors to the north and south?? Downtown should be renamed the "ghost town"....there is zero foot traffic there. If these business fail then who is going to prop up the tasx base?? The illegals? the cara jennings set living 10 to a house slumlord style? The aging populace that are all homesteaded?? This town needs to figure out where its future is coming from. Why cant we embrace tourism like the every other town in South Florida?? we just built a beautiful beach.......who would you like it filled with Lynn?? A bunch of undocumented people or tourists with cash in there pockets helping to keep this town running?? It cant happen without lots of hotel rooms....stop focusing on the developers and think about your neighbors who work here in town....thank you for your time

  28. Lynn, here's the link that show Delray Beach as the most fun "small city" in America.

    It's linked of a Palm Beach County site.
