Saturday, July 14, 2012

Petitioning on building heights Lake Worth

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A Lake Worth group, Respectful Planning PAC, is petitioning to put a ceiling on building height.

If you need further information, please call Carolyn Deli, 586-4999 or Lynn Anderson, 585-7839, if you want to sign the petition or get involved.

 Click here to read the article and view the video from last night's 11pm news and hear what a few had to say.

Helen Marino, a top circulator

Voters in one South Florida city may get to decide if they want to limit the height of buildings in and around downtown. The issue could be placed on the November ballot in Lake Worth. One group is doing a petition drive and collecting signatures to get it on the ballot. But they don't have much time.


  1. Please the are petitioning for a political ploy, Mulvehil, and McVoy boy will use this in their campaign, as how they tried to save Lake Worth.
    This is almost as bad, and phoney as the "Family" that Jeff Clemens is portraying in the mailing I received yesterday.

  2. You are flat wrong--again...and just being POLITICAL.

    It became an issue when 3 commissioners, Maxwell, Triolo and Amoroso, wanted to raise the heights in our downtown, not taking it to the people.

    It became an issue when 3 commissioners, Maxwell, Triolo and Amoroso, dissolved the entire Planning & Zoning board and nominated their people, who incidentally, do NOT represent the will of the people overall and who, for the most part, want to build high.

    The petition is to save our small town from developers, the only people who will benefit, and to allow the people to vote per the language of the petition.

    This issue is separate from anyone's campaign. Mulvehill's opponent is also petitioning for the PAC. No on cares if he uses this in his campaign. In fact, it will help him with voters, not the opposite.

    The PAC welcomes all people who feel that our city should stay a low rise city.

  3. 8:12--are you married to a slum lord, an investor? Do you have some interest in this city looking like Delray? What a bozo.

  4. To anon at 8:35, No I am none of the above, I am a citizen that pays taxes to the City, and would like to see it turn around, and not be SSSOOOO dependent on the utility department to make up such a huge part of the budget.

  5. I am not petitioning because this is someones "issue".I am petioning because I believe in our right to vote.And by the way,the majority of the Commission backed THEMSELVES into the stupid corner when they patted us all on the head and said we were smart enough to vote on a name change for Lake Worth but that we were NOT smart enough to vote on how that same city's downtown would look!!I was extremely dissapinted in the slash and burn attitude of Amaroso and Triolo towards a legally and well appointed planning and zoning board.The other city boards have not had the same treatment,so this was obviously a very stinky political move. I voted for Pam and Andy ,and their actions in this matter have very much dissapointed me.Katie Mcgiveron

  6. Lynn, Who is Mulvehill's opponent?

  7. I support the right for people to vote. As a matter of fact, we did vote on this issue and changed the charter to reflect what the people wanted.

    The city commission voted to "LOWER" heights in the downtown area from what is now a maximum of 65 feet DOWN to 45 feet. P&Z "RECOMMENDED" 35 feet. This to most people would represent a compromise. But that doesn't happen much here in Lake Worth.

    All of a sudden, 65 feet high buildings "blot out the sky and make shadows". Lately, the "shade has been welcome and just a wee bit of sky still shows up if you look up.

    The commission also voted to LOWER the maximum height West of Dixie from 100 feet down to 35 feet except where we expect an eastern train station at the shuffleboard courts.

    The reason I won't sign the petition is that I see that it is being misrepresented. The graphic with the boxes and mass hysteria needs to be toned down. How many buildings have been built over 3 stories in the past decade? 3? 4?

  8. Wow, thanks Channel 12 for the great media coverage on this important issue.

    And thanks to all the devoted PAC volunteers out there in the heat and rain, protecting LW residents' right to vote!

    The fact that this whole thing exposes Triolo, Maxwell & Amoroso for their ugly political tactics is just a convenient by-product.
