Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The Petitioners

Comment Up

Actually, in spite of the terrible heat, knocking on doors has been a great experience. I didn't realize how much I missed it...bringing the message to the people and just listening to their concerns. More politicians should get out among the people they represent. We have some who don't even return e-mails or phone calls.

Rarely during this process have I encountered anyone who wanted our downtown to grow up...no more buildings as tall as The Lucerne. Yesterday I knocked on a door of a gentleman who works in a downtown business. He was all for taller buildings. I ran into one guy who does tile work and he thought signing the petition would possibly reduce his livelihood down the pike. 99.99% of the people wanted our small town ambiance and said that 3 to 4 story buildings are high enough.They were looking at the greater picture and the welfare of this City.


  1. How could a 65 foot building possibly reduce a tile setter's work load?
    Sounds like conservative logic to me?

  2. We are getting reports that the Petition is being "sold" on the basis of "you want to keep your right to vote on heights don't you".
    The way you and Larry the liar-wannabe lawyer have run your petition drives in the past is well remembered by us.--You remember--ACORN and Beach Condos--
    I understand you don't have a chance of getting close to the 1,500 signatures needed---especially given the scrutiny the SOE is being forced to exercise in an election year.
    So, I guess there is Truth and Justice after all--and even if this isn't published by you---Lake Worth seems to be finally getting rid of its past errors.

  3. See there Lynn? You call someone stupid for having a different opinion about what amounts to a trivial issue.

    One of my neighbors puts it correctly, he has seen very ugly one and two story buildings that can make a town look worse, and he has seen very beautiful 6 story buildings that would enhance any city it was located.

    All you are doing by lowering more than the Commission did (65' to 45' vs 65' to 35' downtown) is opportunity for a good project that might be three stories but with nice architectural roof lines taking it above the 35' threshold.

    Case in point is Publix. You might think it's beautiful. I would have preferred one that looks like the one in Lantana, but they couldn't even submit an option as it would have been shot down before anyone could take a look at the plans.

    But this IS Lake Worth... We are going to vote on whether to shoot ourselves in the foot.

  4. No. I call someone stupid when they are goading me or bing exactly what they were--stupid. It has nothing to do with a different opinion. Opinions are fine. Just keep it all civil and I will be as well. You cross the line here, you get it back.

    It has nothing to do with shooting yourself in the foot. An architect can design a great looking building within the parameters in place.

    Publix is a prime example of waivers that developers ALWAYS get and will continue to get well into the future no matter what the heights are set in our Comp Plan. I was also not in favor of art deco.

  5. To anonymous at 3:21. I went ahead and posted your comment to show what a nasty piece of work you are.

    Heights in our downtown sure bring out the worst in people. The peoples right to petition its government brings out the worst as well.

    Laurence's PAC saved Old Bridge Park. It also saved us from leases over 20 years or selling public property without the vote of the people. You find something wrong with that?

    As I said, WHAT A PIECE OF WORK.

    Personally, I don't know a thing about ACORN. Someone from that group did help in a minute way in one petition drive BEFORE ACORN was know to be corrupt...100 sigs or so. So don't bother going there.

    Also, this PAC for which I am petitioning, has assured me that it will carry on until such time they do have the required amount of signatures. This could lead to a special election or on the ballot next year.

  6. All the renter/owner's that you refer to, who do not take care of their properties and don't seem to give a damn what their homes and businesses look like - THESE are the people the PAC is soliciting for signatures on what the city should look like?

  7. It seems to me that most of the divisiveness in Lake Worth has a significant source in lacl of understanding of process. Not to pick on you lynn, but as examples only:
    Your beloved Barry's Lease on the beach is for 25 years, including renewals--which are excluded by Charter amendment.
    The petition signatures are not for perpetuarity. Your deadline for the Ballot Initiative is the final day of legitimacy for the lawful signatures.
    If we had a more informed Public, much of our divisiveness would carry less intensity.
    Just saying.

  8. That's great news--a petitioner got to your door?

  9. Barry's lease is for FIVE (5) YEARS WITH 4 RENEWAL OPTIONS. This is a big difference in your implying that he has a lease for over 20 years.


  10. The gathered signatures are good for 4 years (FOUR YEARS) on a Charter Amendment.

    Now, please don't come over here unless you know what you are talking about.

    I am over sparring with you.

    Just saying...

  11. How could they be good for 4 years?
    People move away and die.

  12. Lynn, I don't get it. If certain people don't like what you have to say, why do they always visit your blog? All some folks want to do is put you down personally, or write contrary opinions, or find ways to be negative, hateful, wise-azzes, etc.

    Sure, everyone has a right to their opinion --esp you since it's your blog! But those who want to be mean spirited and nasty need to spend their time on "that other blog" where that kind of crap is welcomed and encouraged.

    Meanwhile, remember that many people who visit your blog appreciate your hard work, time spent at meetings & in research, the important information you pass along and your passion for the truth --even if we disagree with your opinion sometimes.

    Of course, many of your longtime readers are too busy to spend time or energy making blog comments. Or they're not the type who choose to make public comments or get into useless aruguments, etc.

    I say words of thanks & encouragement to you in person all the time, but wanted to put it in print on your blog this time.

    Keep up the good work, and don't let the azzes get you down (to their level.)

    And keep the beautiful pictures coming! --Beth

  13. Maybe you will one of them, 8:15. Bye.

  14. Lynn, you are right, for me the new City Manager and the Mayor do not return calls or emails, they have been awful. I am very disappointed in them and embarrassed for our city and them as leaders. We deserve better quality leadership, I am fed up with the mediocrity here in this city.

    "We have some who don't even return e-mails or phone calls."

  15. Beth,

    I am one of the posters to this site that often disagree with this blog owner. Most of my comments are published and some are not which is her choice.

    I would probably agree with you that I side with the opinions of Wes' blog on many things dealing with our little town, but side with Lynn on National issues. Obama's got to go and I think Allen West represents a strong America.

    Because I read both blogs, I feel that the snide remarks are present on both sides equally. Both sides are passionate.

    Bottom line is both sites are enlightening and provocative. They bring out both the best and worst of our little town. Thanks Lynn and Wes for keeping the conversation going.

    I also REALLY appreciate Mary's blog for its information and AnnaMaria's for its ability to show the best side of our own little piece of paradise. Thanks to all.

  16. To the individual who has major differences in my opinion regarding Lake Worth issues and particularly Barry's lease at our Casino--

    Our Courts have consistently held that an option to renew a lease upon terms to be agreed, is invalid and unenforceable.

    In order for an option to renew to be binding and enforceable, all of the essential terms must be agreed upon and must be certain. I would rather doubt that our City had a binding option to renew.

    A five year lease is exactly that.

  17. Would the same logic hold true in the Greater Bay "20 years minus one day with another option?

    Unlimited construction time not withstanding.

  18. To Anon @ 3:21 p.m. Great Balls of Fire! Settle down! Any independent blog author can publish or not publish what they wish. Your opinion is important too but there is no need to be hostile – Certainly you can do so passionately but nicely!

  19. 4:24 Anon: I live in a beautiful home and I signed it!

  20. 8AM anonymous-
    I still don't understand why you won't sign your name--stand behind your convictions--
    Having said that, if anyone has facts that dispute anything that I blog about (I am not talking about opinion here), please send or comment. I am always opened to changing my mind and will when convinced otherwise.

    I have discussed GB through the years. This lease was totally structured differently than these casino tenant leases.

  21. Lynn, I can clarify a few things for your blog posters:

    1. The signatures are good for two years per Florida state statutes.

    2. We are petitioning in order to give voters the opportunity to vote on this issue. It is their right to vote on any component of the charter that they feel needs to be updated, such as March/November elections, or changing the name of our city. I fail to see why someone would be so angry about giving people the right to vote, regardless of how a petitioner words it or how a blog poster paraphrases it.

    3. I have been in contact with the SOE to clarify the timeline for presenting petitions to the city. Their process for scrutinizing petitions for validity does not depend upon the election cycle. By the way, every year is an election year :).

    4. Once this issue is voted on, it is my intention to disband the PAC, unless the other members wish to replace me and work on another planning issue. That is their prerogative.

    My opinion now . . .

    I have seen beautiful 6 story buildings and even higher. Chicago is one of my favorite cities and the skyline is gorgeous, the architecture is striking. The monstrous buildings in Washington DC are majestic, as they should be in our nation's capitol. I love the Miami skyline as well; from the 15th floor of a Miami Beach hotel, it is stunning beautiful at night. I don't hate tall buildings. They just have to be in the right place.

    When I'm finished visiting the big cities, I come home to Lake Worth where I feel like a person and not an ant. I agree that there are ugly 2 story buildings . . . the CRA is constructing them in my neighborhood as we speak.

    I think that there is some validity in everyone's position on this issue. The ultimate responsibility for the appearance of any new construction will lie with the P & Z board and the commission. Let's hope that your posters will be making their opinions known to them as well. But the actual scale of a city our size, the height/density of new construction is an issue that should be driven by the residents, not five commissioners, or the real estate sales people, or the developer's bottom line.

  22. Great Lynn all you did was complain about the special election with Waterman and how much it cost the city, and now you are going to force on if you do not get enough people to sign you petition in time???? sounds a little crazy to me..
