Thursday, July 12, 2012

Our National Debt

Borrowed by the General Fund – $ 15,892,712,869,299*
Saved by Social Security Trust + $ 2,558,446,465,187
Saved by all Gov. Trust Funds + $ 4,206,209,233,737

Debt Owed to the Public $ 11,686,503,635,561

And the people still think Obama is doing a good job?


  1. What, no mention of who was largely responsible for borrowing all that cash to persue a failed domestic and foreign policy?

    Started with Raygun, toots. Slick accounting to raid the SS accounts has been going on for 30 years. You're pissed? I won't see a FRACTION of my contributions.

  2. Who gives a flying Fux who started it? The buck is with Obama. He is the Pres and wants to spend, spend, spend money we do not have. You won't see your contribution. Tell the Pres to freaking do something about it. Stop spending our social security and giving it to some stupid country out there.
