Sunday, July 29, 2012

Osama back in the news

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Did U.S. Navy pray bin Laden into paradise?

Within 24 hours of being killed by U.S. Navy SEALS, al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden was reportedly given a Muslim burial at sea.

Existing U.S. Navy rules require the prayer for Muslim burials include the following: “O Allah, forgive him, have mercy on him, pardon him, grant him security, provide him a nice place and spacious lodgings, wash him (off from his sins) with water, snow and ice, purify him…make him enter paradise and save him from the trials of grave and the punishment of hell.” Did the U.S. military -- which has cracked down on chaplains praying in Jesus' name -- actually send this mass murder to his eternal reward with such soothing words?

We may be about to find out ...
Read the latest now on

Allen West Discusses Islamist Infiltration, Bachmann’s Case Backed Up?
By Javier Manjarres
At one of his monthly townhall meetings in Broward County, Florida, Congressman Allen West was asked about the ‘Muslim Infiltration’ of the U.S. Government, Read more...


  1. As an Ex-Navy man I applaud the fact that these words / prayer may have been said when Bin Laden was committed to the deep.

    After all you may hate his actions, however he was still a child of God.

    If you single out a religion to hate, then you are no better than all of the others who kill in the name of their particular deity.

    When we raised the Soviet submarine during the Cold War we gave the bodies of the sailors we found aboard a ceremony before burying them at sea. Back then they were our greatest enemy.

    Please condemn his actions, not a religious belief. To do otherwise lowers us to the level of barbarians.

  2. In all your righteousness, please also pray for all the 3,000 souls at the Twin Towers caused by this enemy and terrorist.

  3. I did and still do, I lost a friend that day.

    Lynn, please don't confuse my thoughts with righteousness. Even in WW II we gave prayers over the bodies of Nazis.

    This enemy are people, not a religion.

    I do not want to get into a fight, rather I would like to raise our thoughts and actions above those of petty hatred based on religion.

    Given my druthers I would hunt anyone who kills innocent people to the ends of the earth. I was in the Navy and was always prepared to do just that.

    But once we reject the sanctity of each human life (no mater what they have done) we can no longer take the moral high ground as the best example of a democracy!

  4. I don't believe in that type of religion.

  5. Hey ex-Navy,which I doubt you are-If I had my way, Osama's head would have been stuck on a pole and paraded around the country by 72 topless virgins in 7inch spike heels. They would have been followed by a wagon with his headless body being pelted by shoes thrown by the children of those killed in 911. Talk about closure for the families!!!!

  6. Anon 4:55

    I can assure you I was in the Navy. Were you in service?

    What you speak of is barbaric and nothing better than a Jihad. If you had any relatives in service you would never have written what you did.

    It is our duty to take the moral high ground. To do otherwise would be an embarrassment to our flag and what we stand for.

  7. If I had my way, Osama's head would have been stuck on a pole and paraded around the country by 72 topless virgins in 7inch spike heels. They would have been followed by a wagon with his headless body being pelted by shoes thrown by the children of those killed in 911. Talk about closure for the families!!!!

    Nice! Just like the Germans, North Koreans and North Vietnamese did to our air crews that were shot down during these conflicts. You should be ashamed of your self for such a statement!

    We fight by the rules and thus expect the same from our enemies.

  8. Barbara Jean WeberJuly 30, 2012 at 11:51 AM

    Dear Ex Navy Man @ 3:25 p.m. You are correct. Within every being - as a child of God, which is what we are - is the spark of the divine. That is our true 'collective' nature. However, the ‘intention’ and what we choose to do - our actions - define our individual nature. Those whose actions are most horrific are those most in need of prayers. In your service to this country, you have reflected the face of God to those most in need. That is the greatest gift we can give to our fellow man. The Soviet submarine was an awful tragedy. Your presence and prayers were a blessing to those who lost their lives. Thank you for your remarkable service to mankind, then and now.

  9. Instead of playing God, why not leave all of this up to Him?
