Saturday, July 7, 2012

No More Excuses

"Barack Obama’s got lots of excuses for the bad economy ... but Obama never blames Washington’s wild spending and skyrocketing debt."

I agree with many of these points from the New Majority
  • From the Craft a Lean, Pro-Growth Tax System Redesign the tax code to help American business be competitive and productive, and make tax compliance easier and fairer for job creators and individuals alike.
  •  Block President Obama’s effort to raise taxes on families, small businesses, and consumers.
  • Clean Up Washington’s “Downgraded” Finances • Turn off the spigot of wasteful “stimulus” spending, “green jobs” giveaways, and special interest bailouts. • Investigate the Obama Administration’s “cash for cronies” culture and impose tough financial controls on agencies that mismanage grant and loan funds.
  • Reduce domestic discretionary spending to pre-Obama Administration levels.
  • Reform entitlement spending to ensure the long-term financial security of these programs.
  • Ensure Quality Health Care for Seniors and Families
  • Replace Obamacare with reforms that preserve Americans’ access to their doctors, enhance the use of health care information technology, lower health insurance costs, and improve the quality of care that families receive.
  • Protect seniors from the Obama Administration’s Medicare cuts, which will degrade the quality of their care and threaten their relationships with their doctors.
  • Restore America’s Energy Leadership
  • End the Obama Administration’s constant interference with domestic energy development.
  • Repeal job-killing EPA regulations and replace them with pro-growth, pro-environment alternatives.
  • Make America’s energy infrastructure the most efficient, productive, and technologically advanced in the world.
  • Break the Regulatory Chokehold on Economic Recovery
  • Impose a moratorium on regulatory attacks against employers by the NLRB, Department of Labor, National Mediation Board, and other unionboosting government agencies.
  • Order a top-down review of Dodd-Frank and freeze every provision that would curtail consumer access to credit, drive up consumer costs, or deny consumers a breadth of choices and products.
  • Make America a Respected Global Leader Again
  • Protect America from international threats and instability with a renewed commitment to national security and revived relationships with longstanding allies.
  • Develop a consistent, forward-leaning strategy of global engagement to expand foreign markets for American goods and services, and secure vital resources to drive American industry.

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