Sunday, July 29, 2012

Lake Worth Pool

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I guess that the PBPost is the source for news when it comes to Lake Worth. We don't get any city manager reports to inform the public as to what's going on. In fact, the Commission doesn't get all of the facts either. 

Howard wrote about our pool repairs and it seems that Sinclair Engineering Company did an inspection and has submitted a report.  I don't recall this coming before the commission. There is tipping at the pool as well as a horizontal crack in the pool beam located in the NW section of the pool. There are some missing and cracked tiles. Gee, I wonder what caused that?

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  1. Lynn I read this article yesterday on the web, you mean you are just catching up now? Must have been really upset after yesterday's meeting to have missed this one.

  2. Of COURSE this never came before the Commission-in the Sunshine ,that is.Blotard,Lame Duck and Mr. I'll Second That want to tear down our pool to help cover up their friends corruption!Our finance director lied his ass off about the pool.He should be fired. If Blotard,Lame Duck and Mr. I'll Second that were honest,they would have called the City Manager onto the carpet and immediately called for the firing of the Finance director when they were informed of the lies.Pugh,Greater Bay or Morganti damaged the pool.

  3. Anonymous at 4:11. Did you also catch Lopez's announcement in yesterday's paper of the Charter Amendment. I still can't find that one.

    And yes, I always get somewhat anxious with stupidity.

  4. I would ask to see a copy of the video by Morganti. What bullshit. If Morganti knew it was tilted,who else did? And why was this NEVER mentioned?!? If not Morganti,then crap job by Pugh? SOMEBODY needs to fix our pool. It didn't break itself!!!!!

  5. Why didn't we have an Owner's Representative protecting us from such things and documenting what went on during the Casino Construction?
    What is the complete story? The current CM has nothing to hide. It didn't happen on his watch.
    Was the Report incomplete or inaccurate.
    Time for Public Comments on non agended items.

  6. This WAS discussed at a recent CIty Commission meeting. The information in the Post is the same information reported by the CM to the public in the City Commission chamber.

  7. Yes, Bornstein did mention that our pool was damaged. However, it was not mentioned that he had hired a company, Sinclair, to investigate and do a report. If he did, let me know where can find that info. Thanks. How much? Where did he find this company? Did he go out on a RFP? Is it under $15,000? The commission needs to know about these decisions.

  8. 5:08. Why not is a good question. Ask Scott.

  9. Stanton released all liability.

  10. PLEASE. This is how ugly rumors start in this City--Let's blame iy all on someone who can't defend herself.

    Insurance covered damage and liability to our property. The only thing both waived was the rights against each other for all damages caused by perils covered by insurance.
