Monday, July 9, 2012

Internal Auditor Appointee Withdraws because of stalled negotiations

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The "negotiator," Vice Mayor Scott Maxwell, flubs another one--
This is very unfortunate. Mr. Marksmeier was approved 5-0 by the commission and was a position that was filled following requests from the public. It begs the question - why could terms not be agreed upon? Commissioner Maxwell negotiated the city manager's contract in a very short period of time. Commissioner Maxwell should have updated the commission if there were any issues with this important position. He did not.

From: Robert Marksmeier []
Sent: Monday, July 09, 2012 11:59 AM
To: Scott Maxwell;; Mark Farrington; Elaine Humphreys;
Cc: Pam Triolo; Christopher McVoy; Suzanne Mulvehill; Andy Amoroso; Silvina Donaldson; Joni Taurosa; Sarah Fargo; Human Resources
Subject: City of Lake Worth Internal Auditor

Good morning Vice Mayor Maxwell, Mr. Farrington and Madam Attorney

Want to thank you, the Mayor, the Board of City Commissioners and the City of Lake Worth for the opportunity afforded to me by selecting me as the City’s Internal Auditor/Director at the May 1, 2012 Regular Commission Meeting, contingent upon the successful negotiation of an employment agreement (Agenda Item 10A).  However, to this date we have not been able to come to terms on this agreement/employment contract.

Therefore at this time, I am withdrawing from the negotiations and appreciate the opportunity afforded to me. It truly has been an honor to have met each of you and the citizenry of Lake Worth.

As stated in the Lake Worth City Charter, “… an Internal Auditor is to be amongst the designated roles in the city along with the City Manager, City Attorney, City Clerk and other such officers…”. This is an important and vital position in any organization and/or government.  The Internal Auditor is an independent assurance activity designed to add-value and improve an organization’s operations, risk management, control and governance process.

I truly wish you the best in your search to fill this important position and role in protecting the city’s assets, public's interest, and government transparency.

Robert Marksmeier


  1. We need a full report on this dreadful situation. Let's hear from you Scott Maxwell.

  2. Mr. Negotiator,

    What happened? Why didn't you give the commission any updates on this important hire? Could it be that now that you're in the majority you really DON't WANT OVERSIGHT? Your actions speak volumes.

  3. What a direct line you have Lynn to all the business in Lake Worth. Are you on the internal email list?

    The information I heard aroung City Hall was that Mr. Marksmeier wanted a very hefty salary whixh was not witin the ranges proposed when the job description wsa developed. Since all 5 members of the Commission selected him, each of them should have discussed salary with him during their one-on-one interviews. I don't remember any one of the five stating they anticipated money issues.

  4. Without having to research this, the RFQ or whatever it was had to have mentioned the salary range. Mr. Marksmeier would have known what the City was offering for this position before he applied.

    The actual amount of the Salary would not have been discussed until AFTER the selection and that is why Maxwell was appointed.

  5. Where was all this gas bagging when Susan Stanton flatly refused to hire an internal auditor for 3 1/2 years?

  6. Actually, the RFQ didn't have any salary range in it.
    The Salary Range given to Commissioner Maxwell by the PR Director after selection was $15,000 below what Mr. Marksmeier insisted upon.

  7. Marksmeier was so highly qualified that it isn't funny. What do we do? Politicians are really detrimental to the health and welfare of this city.

  8. I had heard early on that he didn't want to move to Lake Worth and was possibly using this as a wedge issue to further his career down south... get more money or a better contract down there.

    So we start over or contact # 2 of the ones that applied before.

    Hey, we came along way... at least the position is funded.

    Our departing City Attorney had opined that although the Charter calls for an IA, the Commission isn't required to fund the position. What a twit.

  9. I believe that he wanted to further his career for sure. I am also equally as sure he knew exactly what the salary range was.

    I would suspect that the Vice Mayor will clue us in with the facts of the matter, maybe not.

    As far as Stanton not funding the position, many of us spoke out against that decision. The entire commission went along with her on that.

  10. Stanton was here for 32 months. Is that 3 1/2 years? I think not. What about stopping the lies. What about stopping the hatred anony at 3:29. Maxwell agree with not funding the IA and Elaine is right.

  11. You are really clueless and no NOTHING about personnel contract negotiations. The negotiations are not for the general public to know until its inked by all parties. Then (and only then) is the contract public record. But if you remember, at the last Commission meeting, there was an update on the hiring process and it was stated that the snag was the salary. Apparently, he wanted way too much salary then the City had in the Budget. JUST DO THE MATH.

  12. Thanks anonymous above. You are the only one in this city with a CLUE I presume. Great going!

    Incidentally, the salary range was posted on the City web site--salary range is listed as $35.69/hr - $56.24/hr depending on qualifications. The annualized salary based on the aforementioned ranges is $74,796.80 to $118,435.20. On the actual job posting, there were no benefits listed on the announcement

  13. Clueless is Scott's groupie girlfriend.

  14. maxwell was the one commissioner who repeatedly asked that an internal auditor be hired and funded....


  16. Sure, he asked for one but he sure messed up this hire. This guy needs to retire and get a job at Daves.

  17. According to Willie here’s what happened. His article in the Post stated, “Vice Mayor Scott Maxwell, who was negotiating the contract with Marksmeier, said the Miami-Dade County auditor wanted a salary that was about $30,000 more than the city was offering. He said Marksmeier also wanted a staff that the city was not prepared to hire.” It’s all about the money. Even Donald Trump couldn’t of put that deal together.

  18. Did Willie get Mr. Marksmeier's comments?

  19. That is all bull above. Mr. Marksmeier knew that they Budget would not allow any staff for his department and that he would be working alone. They told him that in a public interview meeting. More than likely Maxwell just wants to be a dictator and have no oversight at City Hall. Isn't it true that he runs the place and not Bornstein?
