Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Height Lake Worth Charter Amendment Supporters

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“It’s an election year, and someone needs to have something to hang their hat on. It’s become a big spectacle. I’m very concerned, and I’m very disappointed,” said Pam Triolo, Mayor of Lake Worth, who, the last time I checked, represented ALL OF THE PEOPLE.

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The Mayor is WRONG for about the 18th time since she has been elected to office. The only people playing politics last night were she, the Vice Mayor and Commissioner Amoroso. They need lessons in civility as well as in government and our rights to petition. This is not a spectacle other than they making it so.

Why are they so afraid of allowing the people to vote on heights in our downtown? Principle always trumps politics. The petitioners will proceed.


  1. PB Post Headline: Lake Worth refuses to place building height amendment on November ballot. (The refusal part is correct, but it wasn’t “Lake Worth” it was Triolo, Maxwell & Amoroso.) “It’s an election year, and someone needs to have something to hang their hat on,” Triolo said. “It’s become a big spectacle. I’m very concerned, and I’m very disappointed.”

    Here’s what I say: Ms Mayor, if you don’t like spectacle you have no one to blame but yourself. When you point your finger to accuse others of divisiveness, there are 3 other fingers on your hand pointing back at yourself. Want to see something concerning & disappointing? Take a good look in the mirror. “Respectful Planning” is just that, respectful. The mayor & vice mayor blatantly disrespect anyone who disagrees with them. Poor Andy just sits there quietly, seconding everything Maxwell says, hoping not to piss off the bully.

    Triolo, Maxwell & Amoroso had the opportunity to do the right thing and refused. The petition moves forward anyway, so you just cost the city $30,000 for a special election next year. Thanks.

    BTW, the 3 in charge won’t let voters decide on building heights, but they will let them vote to move elections to March --so they can have 4 extra months in office. A political issue to hang your hat on? Hope you’re ready to take your hat in your hand when you get voted out of office. Whether it’s November or March, your reign of disrespect is going to end next time voters have the opportunity to exercise their rights.

  2. Who, besides the core members of the PAC started by Commissioner Mulvehill, has said the Commission is afraid to let prople vote on heights? The problem seems to be with the behavior of the PAC. It is difficult to support a goup whose members are not being truthful when discussing the issue with residents.

    For over 16 years the heights limits defined in the City Charter have been 65 feet east of Dixie Highway including the downtown and 100 feet west of Dixie. During that time no citizen has formed a PAC to change the Charter. Many of the PAC members have stated they've been Lake Worth residents for years. If so, then why didn't they start protesting back in 1996? Why hasn't Commissioner Mulvehill brought this up before now since she has been on the dais for 4 years?

  3. To answer the question-
    It took ALL OF THIS TIME (7 years to be exact) to get to where we are with the LDR's and the Comp Plan. To do anything prior to this would have been premature. THIS WAS DONE WHEN THIS COMMISSION VOTED against P&Z's recommendation on downtown heights and did not reach out to any residents in this city as to whether they wanted to start growing our city in a vertical fashion.

    The PAC is doing that for them.

    We are entitled to our opinion as you are yours. Let's leave it at that.

  4. We have a Strong City Manager form of government with an elected Commission to oversee the CM as outlined in our City Charter.
    It was intended that the elected officials dictate and oversee policy and the City Manager to execute that policy.
    Why is it in Lake Worth that a very small minority always conducts divisive campaigns for Ballot Initiatives when they can't get a majority of elected officials to back their proposals?
    No wonder their majority was turned out of office---Golden by a landslide must have been a wakeup call of sorts---or maybe not.

  5. It takes awhile to see and evaluate elected officials in action. I have. I won't be voting for at least three of them again. I don't know who you are but majorities are changed all of the time. Do you think this is something new? Where have you been in the food chain in Lake Worth? Are you one of the good ole boys? This is without a shade of any doubt the most corrupt commission I have ever witnessed and a commission with little regard for many of the residents it represents.

    Ask the Mayor about divisiveness. She fits the bill right along with the leader, Maxwell.

  6. Sitting there last night, I couldn't help but notice the irony of the frustration of the two commissioners in the minority that were able to sit there, along with Joann Golden and smile and smirk at those of us at the podium who supported issues they were opposed to.

    Except, now the shoe is on the other foot and you are screaming bloody murder.

    The prior P&Z board was made up of extremely political, anti development types. You are surprised the new majority doesn't heed the P&Z's recommendation?

    Pam said it last night that she has watched for the past 7 years, decision after decision she disagreed with being passed by the old majority. If you don't like it, you run for office to CHANGE it. She did just that. Now she is changing it. This is what many of us wanted her to do. Thanks Mayor Triolo for representing those who voted you in and keep up the good work.

  7. There is nothing ironic about it. There are two different thoughts up there--two commissioners, Mcvoy and Mulvehill who care about what all of the citizens think, not just a chosen few.

    I heard Triolo say that. She did not give any specifics. People can say anything to see if it sticks. She also called me a liar. I don't take kindly to that. I would like to hear all the things she did not like for 7 years. In fact, no one ever heard of her and never saw her until she ran for office. A fresh face did the trick. What exactly is she changing? Being disrespectful and abusive? Good show.

  8. I hate when people say "well what about so and so? Having said that, here goes, well then what about Rachael? Wasn't she just as if not more disrespectful towards the minority? Didn't she eject MP from a meeting for mouthing words to you after being warned?

    Wasn't that de ja vu all over again last night except it was you flashing Maxwell and then following up with non-flash to get a rise out of him? It worked. You won. Kindergarten dismissed.

    Only difference is one year ago, the comments from behind you would HAVE been tolerated and the back row would have been admonished.

    Don't you see? It's both sides. It needs to stop.

    You all are thinking "Big Picture" when in reality, very few properties CAN be affected and William Waters said as much last night.

    Both side are trying to get their jabs in, draw a little blood. Get a "gotcha" moment.

    So all this hard work boils down you preventing anything above 3 stories on 3 properties. Yes... I know.... people could buy up houses and apartment buildings to amass a large enough piece to go up, but it is not feasible for probably the next 20 years and it hasn't happened except 3 times in the past 30 years.

    Why can't everybody just chill a little?

  9. You have to wonder why those two are so nasty. Do they think they get points for that?

  10. "The PAC" is five people. Please keep that in mind when referring to "The PAC".

    The P & Z board can grant waivers to the LDRs. We have a long and embarrassing history of doing just that. We have appointed people to the P & Z who were a part of granting those waivers. So for William to say that "this will never happen" is completely NOT TRUE.

    The comp plan document has been weakened by the state. It can also be changed easily. So it is NOT a guarantee by any means. Lake Worth has requested and been granted plenty of comp plan amendments.

    The only document that cannot be overridden by boards and commissions is the charter. Therefore, a charter amendment is the way to go.

    Those of you who know the facts and choose to pretend as if you don't are the liars among us. The authors our charter provided the petitioning remedy for all of us. Use it if you'd like. It's our right to use it and we choose to do so. 1400 voters are appreciative. If you don't like it, then start a petition to take it out of the charter.

  11. the best way to find out what the citizens think is to let them vote on the issue. if you think the citizens will support 65 feet buildings in down town and in our historic communities of single family homes then put it on the ballot. WPB put this issue on the ballot so there is certainly precedence.
