Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Message from Lake Worth City Manager Bornstein on petitions

Comment Up

From: Michael Bornstein
Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2012 4:56 PM
To: Andy Amoroso; Christopher McVoy; Pam Triolo; Scott Maxwell; Suzanne Mulvehill Cc: Elaine Humphreys; Pamela Lopez
Subject: Saturday Meeting - Ballot Issue

The Ballot Issue is currently scheduled to be heard on first reading this Saturday after the interviews and selection of the interim law firms. Additionally, the 2nd Reading of the Ordinance will be advertised for the August 7th Regular Commission Meeting. Setting the agenda and advertising this way allows for the complete range of possible Commission actions including meeting the Supervisor of Elections deadline or consideration of a longer process as allowed by the Charter.


  • Once the petition is certified by the Supervisor of Elections, it will go on the ballot.
  • The language cannot be changed
  • Names cannot be removed from the petition once submitted to the Supervisor of Elections 


1) Does the Commission want to meet the Supervisor of Elections August 10th Deadline in order to have question on the November General Election ballot, or,
2) Does the Commission want to follow the timeline in the Charter and have a Special Election at another date, including the March 12th municipal election date?

Staff has worked diligently to provide a legally correct and flexible process to allow the policy board the latitude necessary to make decisions and provide direction. If you need further clarification or information please let me know.


  1. It's all up to Maxwell, Triolo and Amoroso now. Put it on the November ballot if certified or spend $35,000 for a special election.

  2. stop the crap CM.

  3. This new CM sucks, he doesn't listen, care, respond to emails or calls, he won't meet with citizens. How do you get anything out of him Lynn? He is just terrible, one of the worst we have ever had here in this city, treats citizens like crap. A real disappointment and an embarrassment for our city and its leadership. He is one that I hope gets fired very soon.

  4. Just think, the CM had to explain that no they couldn't take people off the list who had signed, etc. He must have had many questions from Pam and Scott who wanted the pac to fail.
