Monday, July 23, 2012

Allen West writes Letter to the Editor of the Palm Beach Post

In his column last Sunday, Editor of the Editorial Page Randy Schultz asserted that he had yet to hear what alternative to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) I would support in the United States House of Representatives (“Replace ‘repeal’ cry with health care alternative”).

As I have said repeatedly, I support allowing parents to keep children on their insurance plans until age 26. Also, I support a ban on the denial of coverage based on preexisting conditions, which could be accomplished with creation of state high-risk pools. Further, I would recommend the following:
  • Medical malpractice liability reform;
  • Allow interstate sale of insurance to provide greater consumer choice;
  • Allow individuals to form associations for the purposes of purchasing health insurance;
  • Implement tighter controls to eliminate Medicare and Medicaid fraud and abuse;
  • Repeal unnecessary and costly regulations, such as mandated benefits and rate regulations;
  • Promote health savings and flexible spending accounts, don’t tax them
Mr. Schultz is also unaware that I co-sponsored two bills to help reduce costs. HR 5 and HR 3000 address medical liability reform and free-market policies and incentives to make insurance more affordable. HR 5 was passed by the House and awaits Senate consideration.

The PPACA will saddle Americans with 18 to 20 new taxes, reduce availability of Medicare treatment, increase premiums, cause millions of Americans to lose their employee coverage and put personal health care decisions in the hands of a panel of bureaucrats. I have voted to repeal or de-fund aspects of this law 33 times. Americans need health care reform, but this law is not the way to do it.

I hope readers recognize that Mr. Schultz is uninformed and unwilling to acknowledge my clearly stated support for free- market solutions that would improve our health care system rather than destroy it.



Editor’s note: Rep. Allen B. West, R-Palm Beach Gardens, represents Florida’s 22nd Congressional District.

1 comment:

  1. Foun
    Dear Fellow American,
    My name is Robert Delgado, and I am a former Sergeant in the United States Army. I want to share the story of my experience with Allen West, because I want to make sure you know what kind of a man he is.
    During Operation Iraqi Freedom, Lieutenant Colonel Allen West was my commander. When we got our orders to go to Iraq, my wife was eight months pregnant, and it was nerve-wracking leaving her and not knowing if I would live to see my child.
    At that time, when we went into Iraq, many of us where not outfitted with body armor. But Allen West assured me, “I will make sure you come home to your wife and your newborn baby.”
    Lieutenant Colonel West gave me his own personal body armor.
    One night we were driving on patrol. Suddenly, a car came speeding at us and we began taking small arms fire. I was shot in the chest.
    If I hadn’t been wearing Allen West’s body armor, based on where the bullet hit, I believe I would have been killed.
    Lieutenant Colonel Allen West saved my life.
    Political opponents are trying to paint a dishonest picture of Allen West. But I know he is a true patriot. He put his men first then, and he continues to put his country first now.
    We need a leader like Allen West in Congress – a man with the honor, integrity and the courage to fight. Our country’s future depends on it.
    Please SHARE and Tweet this ad with your family and friends and people across Martin, Palm Beach and St. Lucie Counties. They need to know the kind of leader Allen West really is.
    Thank you for standing with us.
    Robert J. Delgado, Former Sergeant
    US Armyd on the internet:
