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The live play is a children's story about two Chihuahua dogs that visit places all over the globe. In this particular adventure 'Bella & Harry', the pups, visit London. There is going to be items raffled and a pet pageant and with judging by business owners in the plaza! The event is from 9:00 to 12:00 and the play starts at 11:00. It is pet friendly and great for the children!
Things like this are great for kids. Einstein said, "The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination." He also believed that "If you want your kids to be intelligent to read them fairy tales, and if you want them more intelligent read them more fairy tales." These are nice events for kids. Reading and academics are important, so are math, science, technology, and engineering, kids need to value education and work hard, they also need to have curiosity, question, and have vivid imaginations to create to help keep making this country greater.