Saturday, February 18, 2012

Washington passes Tax Bill

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I read where President Obama is happy after Friday's vote in Congress 293/132 and in the Senate 60/36 now that his $143 billion Tax Bill has been passed and he can, once again, spend small fortunes of money. The money will go to the unemployed and those doctors who are paid for their services through Medicare who drive their Mercedes to the office. Lawmakers were apparently "jubilant" as they say that they proved they could get something done. It is easy just to say "yes" and not find ways to cut.

Obama commended those who supported his spending policy as "doing the right thing instead of just playing politics." Now he can get back to traveling the 50 states in order to attend all his fat cat political fundraisers. He will be politicking and attending those gatherings of the 99% where he can tell everyone that he saved their unemployment benefits and remind them that it was he who extended the payroll tax cut.

We have a debt of almost at $16 trillion. The estimated population of the United States is 312,247,123, so each citizen's share of this debt is $49,382.24.

The National Debt has continued to increase an average of $4.00 billion per day since September 28, 2007!

What Allen West has to say about it.


  1. If Bush/deregulated trickle down econocmics didn't crash the economy then this bill would not even exist. Everyone agrees that the debt is out of control and has been since Reagen expanded it through tax cuts for the wealthy. The problem is that we cannot go to extreme austerity measures in bad economic times. In 1937 this was the case and it brought us back into a double dip. The National debt has got to be resolved but it has to be resolved in a way that won't hurt the recovery.

  2. ANYBODY BUT OBAMA !! And every mom and dad out there should be baking "obama brownies" to stuff in your kids lunch boxes as a protest to this marxist anti-constitutional loser!COME ON,NOVEMBER !
