Sunday, February 19, 2012

Super PACS

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Dana Summers, Orlando Sentinel

Obama once said, "Super PACS are a threat to democracy"... “I don’t think American elections should be bankrolled by America’s most powerful interests … or worse by foreign enemies...They should be decided by the American people." Well, all of this, and what we all believe, was just political hypocrisy.

"My strong preference would be to completely eliminate that super PAC process," Obama told an interviewer at the White House Tuesday. "But we're not gonna just let a whole bunch of folks who are not only self-interested but aren't always disclosing what their contributions are to be able to simply purchase an election."

1 comment:

  1. It is evident that the honest hardworking American people have no vote in the Presidential elections.Superpacs are allowed by the Supreme Court to buy the Presidency of this whole Country.
    Who has the most campaign contributions has a chance to buy it.
    Obama as of this morning has $250,000,000,-.How many hours did he put in for that?
    Americans have to work hard for every dollars to put food on the table for their families,and SUPRPACS take their rights away to elect their President!,Thanks to the fascistic Supreme Court, whihc allows unlimited secret Campaign contributions!
