Tuesday, February 28, 2012


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Old postcard sent by May Goodstein

Following is a note I received from Gus Bondi, an international shuffleboarder. He is President of the USA National Shuffleboard Association.

We have played National tournaments at places with 24 courts.

You have courts already in existence? They aren't being used now? I can have our Regional Director contact you if you would like that and give you what ever information that you might want.

Shuffleboard is not dying. It is flourishing and growing world wide. Last year I went with a group to introduce shuffleboard to Russia and they are now forming an International team........Norway and Germany have teams that are very competitive in the short time they have been in existence.....Australia.....Japan......Brazil and Canada are other country's that have very competitive shuffleboard and compete in International tournaments. I am going to Lithuania in July to introduce shuffleboard to the world at a world federation gathering where there will be 20,000 athlete's there. National tournaments are held all over the USA at different times of the year.

Gus Bondi

Although there are some who believe or have been told that shuffleboarding is a dying sport, it isn't. Although some have the belief that only white haired old ladies play the game, that is farther from the truth.

"While our Founding Fathers were busy putting together the makings of this great country, there were big shuffleboard matches being conducted throughout the colonies. Shuffleboard was popular among the English soldiers as well as the colonists." It has been around forever and Lake Worth can once again be known for competitive shuffleboarding and preserve our history.

We can get a piece of this pie. We can get the tournaments here in Lake Worth. With a little vision, a small investment, we can be the recreation destination of the east coast of the United States.




  1. I can see the headlines now: Lynn Gus and the founding fathers make Lake Worth the shuffle boarding capital of the world.
    I have a question. If shuffleboard is flourishing world wide why does Gus need to introduce shuffleboard to the world at a world federation gathering?

    Actually, Mr. Bondi said it all--20,000 shuffleboarders there and many cities want to learn more and how to start successful programs. Education is a wonderful thing. Perhaps you should attend the world conference and learn something. Your sarcasm might then be subdued.

  3. Lynn thanks for attending the meetings and reporting on them. Right now I'm trying to locate a shuffleboard court close by to learn how to play, so that when we get ours up and running I can play. I looked up the history and it is related to the Olympic sport of curling. And of course I posted the video for those uninformed of the positive aspects of this game when learned young. http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=7382187n

  4. We all need to start practicing because my NA is going to beat the heck out of anyones else's.

  5. Now thats a positive challenge, ha ha ha we shall see.

  6. ROLOH will win this. No doubts.

  7. Just make sure you have the correct push stick.Left or right handed. Also you better start looking for pink pedal pushers and black hi-top keds tennis shoes.Oh yes dont forget that nice southern bell broad brim flowered hat.When you get your outfit all together post a picture.

  8. Don't underesimate the shuffleboards skills of Genesis Neighborhood Association, bring it!

  9. With all the kidding we Seniors are getting, I will guarantee I will whip your butt and I haven't played this game since I was a kid!!!!!
    Lakeside Point Gardens and Murry Hills will rule!

  10. I want to see Wes moving a disc or two around.

  11. Mayne if we could get The Gulfstream Hotel back in business I could see why you are spearheading this campaign, but IMO I can not see International Player staying in the Motels on Dixie, and Federal Highway..

  12. By the time this is all organized, clubs formed, and all the work it takes to promote this, it will be several years. By that time who knows what will happen with the Gulfstream. I heard there was an interested buyer right now.
    THINK BIG, anonymous. As Nadine always said, "Think of the bigger picture." She isn't doing that now.
