Monday, February 27, 2012

Self Check

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According to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, all employers in the United States are required to verify the work eligibility of everyone they hire. Self Check is a voluntary, free and simple service that allows you to check your employment eligibility first.

Check your eligibility to work in the United States by clicking here.


  1. You must be kidding us. Have you checked your elgiblity?

  2. No, this is NOT a joke, anonymous. Don't you believe that jobs should go to Citizens or those eligible to work in this country?

    Why not check your eligibility.

  3. Not if they are taken away from older people that have been layed off and replaced by younger people that work for less. Screw the person thats been loyal for 10, 20 years or more. They only think about profits which inhances the CEO`s personal wage and income. Many new employed dont get paid vacations or retirement packages. Many part timers.

  4. Perhaps that happens. I am just not aware of it in any personal experience. The corporations for whom I worked were looking for experience first. They hired the best. The best had nothing to do with age other than with age comes experience.

  5. Anony at 3pm why do you mock this? It was put out by the Feds and it is a law.
