Monday, February 13, 2012

President of ROLOH, Robert Waples, takes action and sets up an Action for Crime Alerts

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When you think about the following message, you have to realize that this city, this county and even this country is in a sad state of affairs. Criminals abound. Crime is growing. Nothing scares these people. They get slaps on the wrist and are released as our jails are overflowing. Perhaps it is time to arm yourself.

The following was sent out by Robert Waples, President of the ROLOH Neighborhood Association. The Sheriff was looking for some punks down on Lake Osborne and 12th Avenue South and he sent out an alert earlier in the evening to his neighborhood.

Dear Neighbors and Friends,

We have tested this evening a new "Emergency Text Messaging" service for our ROLOH Neighborhood and it worked perfectly HOWEVER here are the ground rules. If there is an emergency or PBSO major activity near or where you live in our ROLOH Neighborhood we are asking that you call or text me and state the nature of the issue and what information you have.....(Please do not alert us in the event of a traffic stop or lower priority issue)

We can then send a text to everyone who decides to subscribe to this service and alert them that there is an event near or at your location and to please avoid the area or even go inside and lock your doors.

What we do ask is that you do not use the text alert to reply to as your replying to EVERYONE on the list and most of us will not want multiple text messages clogging up our phones. SO one person send the information to my cell and alert us that there is a major PBSO event where you live and we can then send back out to our subscribers to stay indoors, lock up and do not go out until there is an all clear or a time frame given.

This is taking our Pledge Against Crime to a new level and for those of you on Facebook please look for my recent Pledge Against Crime Cause and sign up.

Terms: To subscribe to this new Text Alert Service you MUST send an email with your full name, Cell Number, Address (which is not included in any information) to verify you're in the ROLOH Neighborhood or neighboring area's and a clear statement that states: I would like to be included in the emergency text message network in my community of ROLOH and hereby understand that this is not a full proof system and hold harmless the management and membership and any members of ROLOH including the whole of all Law Enforcement Agencies from any liability.

I fully understand that this does not and will not allow any neighbor or member of ROLOH to engage Law Enforcement and completely understand that we/or I must follow the requirements of Law Enforcement's directions over this system of information. This is for information purposes only and shall not be considered as a legal direction of any kind. I also fully understand that I need not reply to the alert or have to acknowledge the alert in any shape form or fashion. If I have specific information on any Law Enforcement event in progress or passed that I will contact the appropriate authority to report my information."

Plain and simple folks this is just another step to alert our neighbors when something is "going down" and we all need to be aware. If you accept these terms simply copy and paste the above paragraph in an email, and forward to that you want to participate and agree to the terms, we will ad you to the alert system.

THANKS and we look forward to building this network to improve the safety and awareness of all members in the ROLOH Boarders.


  1. Robert Waples is a real asset to this community.

    Thank you Robert for all you do.


  2. Good idea, Robert. Too bad we have so damn much crime. Do we keep blaming that on Cara Jennings too? With whom does the buck stop?

  3. Thanks Lynn for posting this! For the question above the level of crime is never for one person to be of guilt or blame. Crime is on the rise due to many factors including the desperate times we are in with higher unemployment, the very nature of South Florida being an ideal place for transients for our wonderful weather, and one of my personal pet peevs the complacency of people who accept this level of crime as the norm. We the people must Pledge Against Crime and all of us can do what we certainly need to which is to be part of the solution. Report suspicious activity, call when you see a crime in progress and even socially if you know someone who is breaking the law stand up and let them know it is not acceptable. We all have the power to make a difference by saying and doing the simple things above to start curving these criminal elements. One other thing that is hugh on my list is....If you know some one that is a landlord in Lake Worth, please beg them to screen every tennant. Its a very inexpensive way to ensure that your renting to respectable people
