Friday, February 3, 2012

Political Juggling - Allen West

As this is politics and some take great pleasure in twisting everything around and everything that is said by any politician at any given time, especially leftist Frank Cerabino in today's Post, I wanted to feature Allen West of the few stand-up guys we have.

The Republican Party has been fractured during this primary with Republicans negatively attacking other Republicans. It does get sickening after awhile. When we have liberal left winged media people attacking a Republican that is one thing but when other Republicans resort to attacking one of their own, it is discouraging and defeating especially if one wants to get elected to defeat Obama.

It's hard enough for Republicans in the State as there are 500,000 more registered Democrats. Redistricting is fair. It was a long process to gather the petitions and get Amendments 5 & 6 on the ballot that were passed in 2010 with 63% of the vote. For anyone to imply that Allen West's District was purposely redrawn to make it more difficult for him just is not interested in the facts. He just got caught in the middle in the redistricting of this particular District. There will always be "winners" and "losers."

Tom Rooney has announced that he will change his District and run in a different portion of the County. Allen West then followed and announced that he would run in Tom Rooney's old district. Allen West will be changing his District 22 to District 18 due to the redistricting plans that will be sent back to the Florida Senate today for final action and most likely will pass.

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