Friday, February 3, 2012

Occupiers and Activists

Comment Up

Peter Tsolkas,

arrested again. This time it was for


on January 22.

Lynne Purvis,

noted activist in Lake Worth for "peace and justice" or whatever arrested for


There was an Occupy Protest against Hedge Fund professionals in Boca Raton in January and three occupiers were arrested:

Brian Silber, criminal lawyer says that Don Carter, 24, of Longwood, Ana Rodriguez, 30, and Kevin Young, 27, all of Miami, took things a bit farther than the other protesters on Monday January 23 at the Boca Raton Resort and Club by using "lockdown devices" decorated with anti-greed posters to chain themselves together into a triangle and lying in the middle of the Camino Real Bridge roadway at around 5 p.m. yesterday. Police removed them at approximately 6:30 p.m.

"Every day we see corporate power destroying our communities," said Ana Rodriguez, one of those arrested, in an Occupy Palm Beach release prior to her arrest. "From environmental disasters to private prisons, corporations are operating with impunity. While the bank leaders drink cocktails and toast to increased profits, people across the globe are being hurt by corporate greed."

You remember Ana--she was the idiot who stormed Scott Maxwell the day he got sworn into office a little over two years ago.


  1. "KNOWINGLY DRIVING WHILE LICENSE SUSPENDED/REVOKED" means the person chose to ignore the law. And he is the Chairman of the CRB. What message does that send?

  2. It's time this guy is thrown off the CRB. It's time that we realize that Mulvehill and McVoy put him on the board knowing full well that he is Cara Jennings housemate. Wake up Lake Wort residents, these folks have influenced our elections for the past 6 years and we can't forget that they will do or say anything to win.

  3. Now your accusation of politics would be correct. The night Panagioti was nominated and voted in on a 3/0 vote, Waterman and Maxwell were absent. This was on August 11, 2011. However, McVoy and Mulvehill are not liars as you are claiming. This group of activists (Cara Jennings) no longer has any influence on the electorate IMO.

  4. That woman who tried to attack him was something to do with illegal immigration, something Maxwell has been silent on ever since he got elected.

  5. Has anyone heard that Ana R's family is very wealthy in S America and that she does not even reside in Lake Worth?

  6. Anonymous above (7:50am) the immmigration issue is not about illegals... I don't condone them at all... but the problem is really scumbag people who hires them to do the cheap work. Then after the illigal women have babies, now they are American citizenc, bur birth... and each and every one is entitled to benefits from the City, State and Federal Goverment... as long as we continue to provide employment for these people they will contiue to come and invade our country... it is a sad state of affairs, and no politician will touch it... so we will continue to put up with the equine feces going forward. Since Regan no president had had the "cojones" to do anything about it... is that I'm for ammensty... but I will support whatever measure of control is imposed... my thoghts.

  7. Lynn I was going to post an opposing view for arrhast and what kind of name it that?

    But instead I'm going to state that the person who posted as arrhast has his or her right to freedom of speech....Oh but that depends on your blog rules.

  8. What does it say about us, that the guy in the mug shot is the Chairman of the CRB?
    Does he really represent the city's best interest?
    Thank god the majority that put him on that Board doesn't exist any longer.

  9. The Commission now has an opportunity to set a policy regarding who or who can not be a member of a city board. I think everyone in the City can agree on this one. However, I will say, that the one and only (expected contentious) meeting of the CRB that I attended, Panagioti was respectful and cordial and tried to get his point accepted as anyone would who believes in a viewpoint. The rest of the Board kept it on an even keel.

    I don't want anarchists appointed to city boards any more than I want a self-serving person appointed or one looking to profit in some way, be it himself or a friend, by steering a board to a certain decision. Both are bad for this city.

  10. To anon 6:39 pm - The inference being one cannot excercise freedom of speech on this blog - sorry to say YOU ARE MISTAKEN. As I understand it, the only suggestion is to address the issue, not the blog author. Following that, one can certainly enjoy freedom of speech.

  11. Lynne Purvis was out on Lucerne Ave picking up trash this weekend with a neighborhood group from the south side of town. She stands up for what she believes in and takes action, as well. She has my respect, even though I don't agree with her 50% of the time. It's her right to protest what she considers to be injustice.
    Peter is a moron.
