Friday, February 17, 2012

More Anarchy on the Community Relations Board

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Mark Parrilla's video of meeting

The CRB commits an anarchist act and throws off Tsolkos as Chair for being an anarchist.

The above link directs you to the video clip filmed by Mark Parrilla on the last Community Relations Board Meeting wherein Panagioti Tsolkos was removed from the Board as Chair. Please note that Mr. Parrilla also stepped down under a cloud of criticism when he was Chair of this very same Board. In the past, he has called for this Board to be sun-setted.

An authoritative sounding member of the Board, Judith Just, with her back to the camera--
  • Made a motion to suspend the rules and have the chairpersons' duties and authority suspended during that particular session and that the Vice Chair act as Chair. 3 to 2 vote. Mark Parrilla and Mary Lindsey disclosed that they had spoken to some members of this Board.
  • The second motion was to suspend the Chair's appointment and that they conduct an investigation into the abuse of Tsolkos' authority of Chair and to further his personal anarchist causes. Two or three members will investigate the charges. (It was impossible to discern the outcome of the vote-- whether it was a 3 to 2 or a 3 to 1 with an abstention as the Vice Chair did not call the vote.)

The above is totally unorthodox and undemocratic in its process. The chair was removed with no specific charges filed or stated for his removal. Update: members of the public (volunteers are Marshall Pass, Mary Lindsey, Peggy Fischer and Mark Parrilla) will now conduct an investigation in order to find reasons that will support the Board's motion to remove.

Abuse of power and anarchy-- two charges that they hurled at Tsolkos that they committed themselves.


  1. I don't like anarchists per se. I think it is more the word that ticks me off. I will say this, however, Panagioti was always respectful. He never would have abused his power like this towards any board member for having an opinion or a different opinion than his. This is bullshit politics by bullies now in power. If you have specific charges that you don't like, you confront the person with those charges. If those charges go against the mission of this board, then you ask him to knock it off. The mantra now in this city is to fire first and then ask questions.

  2. Are you not innocent until proven guilty in this country? The last I checked, the Constitution protects us from this sort of thing. Perhaps the CRB should read the Constitution instead of worrying what Mary Lindsey has to say or others in this faction who are behind the scenes to bring it all crumbling down to their end.

  3. What a bunch of bull. This guy was recently arrested and is a member of a group on the FBI terrorist watch list. Placing him on this board as a representive of our city government is a crime. He supports the end of government and has used his army of anarchists to help get his girl Cara Jennings elected. Wake up folks.

  4. Perhaps it is bull; perhaps it is not. Did anyone bother to ask him about anything? His own personal beliefs have nothing to do with not being qualified to be on a Board or Chair of a Board. I can't see where he was pushing his own personal agenda. Maybe we don't like what he stands for personally, but is that a reason to "fire" someone if he hasn't interjected those anarchist views or pushed other members to go along? He is ONLY ONE VOTE. His power is limited to JUST ONE VOTE.

    As far as being arrested, not cool. But did you know that there is another member of a prominent Board who was arrested for DUI just a few months ago? What about that? Does it count?

  5. Wasn't Parilla removed when he was Chair of the CRB?

  6. As I recall, there were 2 complaints filed against him. He allowed one to get into the official record. At that same meeting he promised that he would not stop commenting on blogs, attacking private citizens or even Commissioners as this was his right as a private citizen, absolving himself all together from any responsibility or standard as Chair of the Community Relations Board. Later he said that he would stop only after Commissioner Herman Robinson's strong suggestion. He even voted yea at one point to replace himself as Chair, telling the rest of the Board to shut up or "shit and get off the pot." The outcome of the discussion was that the Board voted on new officers at their next scheduled regular meeting in June, a motion made by Deborah Smith. Parrilla promised to check with the City Clerk to see if that was legal.

    At one of the subsequent meetings, it got hot and he resigned. He did not want his right of free speech impugned but Panioti's right of free speech was not going to be allowed by this CRB.

  7. We all know his personal beliefs and we all know that he is out to take down our system of government. He is working to try to get inside government so that he can destroy it from within. Did you read the CRB agenda a few weeks ago. Did you read the email he sent. I think you are using this issue to further your own agenda which you have every right to do. I just disagree with this post in every way and I'm thankful that the citizens on the CRB acted in the best interests of our city.

  8. It has been a few years now since Jennings was an elected official. What is all this paranoia all about? I'm much more scared of you than I ever was of her.

  9. The reality is he has violated Robert's Rules of Order and he has also violated the rules that govern members of advisory boards by displaying conduct unbecoming of a board member. This most recent arrest wasn't protesting some "perceived unjustice" it was for "Knowingly driving with a suspended license". He singled handidly changed the mission statement of the CRB to include investigating the, I am sorry I have to laugh LOL, the police; without consensus or majority vote as well. He also signed his name and title of CRB Chair, to a document distributed downtown, that never came before the board to authorize him to attach the board's name to a letter. When I was chair there was never a document I signed that I didn't first check with the City Attorney and then bring it before the board for a vote. When I resigned from this board it was mostly due to the political pressure being exherted by Cara, Suzanne and Joann wanting the board become a police watchdog. That was the only reason Cara created this board. Since I left this board it has done nothing. Robert Waples, myself, Tammy Pansa have accomplished so much more regarding community relations and community improvement than the whole board has in almost two years since I resigned. Funny how I have NEVER seen Pangiotti out at a volunteer event actually doing any work. It is all about talk, diviseness, art of distraction all to further their cause. Lynn you weren't at the prior to 2.13.12. CRB mtng. where Pangiotti was very rude and disrespectful to two different CRB members who tried to speak out in disagreement of his lies about Commissioner Maxwell being a white racist bigot and she also defended PBSO. He was also very rude and disrespectful to a member of the public who was trying to speak during public comment, he interrupted her then cut her off and told her she couldn't speak anymore. This board did not commit an act of anarchy, the were within their right to oust a leader who was trying to use this board as his own personal vehicle to deliver a message that only him and his fellow anarchist want to hear. They can scream it from the corners if they like but there is no place for it on our advisory boards unless there is a concensus or a majority vote. That board belongs to the city not Pangiotti and he was just reminded very clearly of that in this meeting. The board did not appoint board members to investigate they appointed volunteers from the public attending the meeting.

  10. That's what's so great about America, anonymous at 9:34. You are even allowed to hide behind the shield of anonymity. You are allowed to have First Amendment Rights.You are allowed to express your opinions and disagree with others. You are allowed to live your life free as long as you don't commit crimes against this country. When you commit a crime, you go to jail.

    Personally, I don't think anyone who has committed a crime should serve on a Board. But this is not about what I think. This is about the abuse of power and removing him as this requirement is not addressed anywhere.

    For this Board to remove him because they didn't like that he is a self-acclaimed anarchist is not a reason. You need facts that he abused his position. I just don't see any here. Just saying.

  11. Mark, somehow that is even worse--a LYNCHING COMMITTEE will investigate Panagioti to come to a desired conclusion. Who was there from the public? I saw Lindsey, Simons, Rice. I see. Probably Fisher. I get it.

  12. My way or the highway Perrila says It is all about talk, diviseness, art of distraction all to further their cause. Are you describing yourself? Let's just get rid of anyone who disagrees with me. Is that what you're saying there? Some people are Republicans, some are Democrats, some are Libertarians, some are Socialists. I don't like any of them too much but that is not a reason to fire them because of their fews. It is decided at the polls when the term expires. He was voted onto this board. He was voted on as Chair by the other members. What is the fear? Something that might or probably never will happen? Stupid.

  13. Adding to the anonymous 10:06 post..."and he was voted out as chair by committee members". Democracy works! Move on.

  14. Again, as usual, no one pays attention to the facts. Pangiotti had a crew of anarchists distributing a manifesto downtown that he stated he wrote while in Greece. This manifesto calls for identification cards for illegal aliens and their right to vote in our elections as well as a 25 percent reduction in our law enforcement service agreement contract with PBSO as well as making outright accusations of abuse without any evidence or a victim of said abuse to give their side of the story. None of this would have mattered had it not been signed Pangiotti Tsolkas Chairman of the city of Lake Worth Community Relations Board. That is an ABUSE of his title, I don't say abuse of authority or power because that title doesn't give him any of those. He has also been arrested for breaking the law while actively serving on a board. Those crying innocent until proven guilty? Well this is one of those crimes that you can't apply that to..."Knowingly driving with a suspended license" there is no innocent until proven guilty for that charge. This is conduct unbecoming of a board member. Lynn any board member who is arrested during the time they are serving should be ousted. The past is the past, people change but to actively get arrested while serving should be cause for immediate removal from any advisory board in our city. Pangiotti also single handedly reauthored the CRB mission statement something that would have required a majority vote by the board. The board members I asked stating that it never came before them to review and vote on. He also booked the Palm Beach County Coalition for Immigrant Rights without a majority vote from the board. Any organization or person asked to come address the board needs to be approved by a vote of the board. They were ambushed with this reverse hate group labeling anybody who does not agree with them as white supremist racists. I am glad that brick by brick the people are dismantling obstacle that the anarchists worked so hard to create. This was not political, this was residents emailing the board making them aware of what was going on in the community since some of them didn't even know that Pangiotti had authored and distributed a Manifesto sign with his title as chair therefore including them without giving them the choice. The volunteers are Marshall Pass, Mary Lindsey, Peggy Fischer and myself. Anonymous 9:47 you obviously aren't paying much attention, no one on an advisory board ends up on a ballot to vote on at the polls. Keep up. He was not ousted because of his view he was called to the carpet for violating robert's rules of order as well as city rules that govern behavior of a volunteer advisory board member. Maybe now the board will actually accomplish something useful. One of the board members didn't even know who Pam Triolo was. We need to tighten up on the processes that select and orientate our board members.

  15. I see the poetry of this Anarchist maneuvered with anarchist move.
    You live by the sword you die by the sword.
    Could it be Karma?

    yours truly
    Sympathetic Anarchist

  16. Lynn any board member who is arrested during the time they are serving should be ousted. The past is the past, people change but to actively get arrested while serving should be cause for immediate removal from any advisory board in our city.

    Slow down Mark!

    What if they are arrested but not found guilty after a trial?

    Maybe we should change that wording to convicted of a crime.

  17. I watched the whole video, and it seems to me that these members met about this before the meeting to insure they had enough votes. Isn't that a violation of sunshine laws? Furthermore, does a signature justify getting rid of a board member? No. Trust me, I hate the anarchist as much as the next guy but I think that this was completely mishandled and with no justification. By the way Mark, how would you of liked it if someone videotaped the final meetings when you were chair? What's next firing people because they are Republican or Democrat?

  18. To anonymous 12:37pm I resigned I wasn't voted out for conduct unbecoming of a board member or violating robert's rules of order more than once. Had it happened this way it would not have bothered me one bit to be videotaped. These are public meeting, anybody serving should be aware that we, the public, have a right to videotape, audio record and/or take pictures at any of these meetings. I actually would have liked since I have nothing to hide from a camera.

    To anonymous 11:56 I will stand corrected, immediate suspension upon arrest pending outcome of their case. If there is a conviction than there suspension becomes permanent if not only then can they return back to their duties. As for the board member who was recently arrested, jailed and charged with DUI he/she should be suspended of their duties until the outcome of their case whoever she or he is. I don't know who it is but I would call for their suspension just the same. It sends the wrong message.

  19. Mark,

    Have you ever been arrested?

    Do you think there should be a time limit on how long ago someone some one was arrested and convicted of a crime until they can serve on a board?

  20. Whatever happened to the inserted phrase 'expletive deleted'?

  21. They now said it was ok for citizens to investigate a sitting board member. Is that even legal? this is bull crap.

  22. Were all these anonymous commenters at the 2/13/12 CRB meeting? Were they at previous meetings? In the fall Captain Silva was brought into a CRB meeting by then CM Stanton specifically to discuss the following:
    1)investigations of PBSO officers are handled,
    2)State statute regarding such investigations,
    3)the obligation of the CRB to report allegations of police misconduct to the proper authorities within 5 days of receipt,
    4) how to obtain public records from PBSO (and it wasn't through Mary Aronson, the CM secretary), and
    5) the community relations efforts of PBSO.
    Tsolkas has repeatedly ignored this information and has even stated during a subsequent CRB meeting that his agenda is to investigate PBSO. What I heard on the audio was since board members could not do the investigation themselves, then a panel of citizens would need to do it. The board asked if anyone in the audience wanted to volunteer to be part of this committee. why didn't you volunteer Lynn?

  23. You know, I have asked very nicely now--not to address this author but to address the issue. I let your BS fly because I wanted to answer you--
    1. I did not attend this meeting.
    2. I am not sure it is even legal to appoint citizens of this city to investigate ANYONE. You are NOT the police. You are not the FBI. You have NO OFFICIAL CAPACITY to do a damn thing.
    3. The meeting was a "put up" job and those in attendance knew what was going to occur.
    4. There is so much bull shit in this city. Why do you want to be a party to that?

    Read the mission statement of the CRB.
