Thursday, February 2, 2012

Lake Worth can't take credit for this robber

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This is another incident, one of many, that occurs throughout the year where Lake Worth is given recognition for something untrue.

The headline of this article on John Dylan Christy says Lake Worth Man charged with robbing man of $230.

This alleged criminal lives at 6024 FOREST HILL BD, WEST PALM BEACH, FL 33407


  1. He gave the police the wrong ID.
    His other ID said he lived on south F street in LW.

  2. You know this guy, Richard?

  3. I might know him. It depends on what ID I know him by. I think I saw him frequent the area at the shuffleboard courts sleeping on a bench. What a life. But I guess its still a better place then where he came from. Things are hard for them and for people only living on SS.

  4. Where did he come from? Who do you think I am, Carnack (Johnny Carson)? I havent seen to many guys from that area that are white. He might have fallin asleep in one of those taning booths, which would explain his dark complextion. You are probably correct. A punk.

  5. Richard--I think you might have confused this guy with someone else. This guy is a young blond guy with pale skin.

  6. Me confused? Probably. I`m old. I read the article from the PB Post. I better have another look. Thanks for the correction. What would us guys do without a woman. LOL

  7. I checked. Christy? That mug shot makes him look lighter skined then he actually is. What little bit of hair he has isnt blond IMO. No wonder police have a hard time locating crooks. Everybody has a different opinion of what they think this guy looked like. Lynn are you wearing those glasses with the yellow lens again? LOL

  8. LOL--I'm just surprised you even know this guy. I took another look at the photo and you are right--not blond at all--a pale skin punk. Maybe he can move to prison or something.

  9. I was just kidding about knowing him. Many of those types carry more then one ID. Hard to fudge on the finger prints when they take you to jail. No I havent been to jail. Well once, when I got caught drag racing out LW road when I was a teenager. Now thats going back a long long time ago. Late 1950`s. I thought I had a fast car but you cant out run a trooper. Now where did he come from. LOL

  10. Please join me proud Lake Worth citizens and give Mr. Whigham a call at 561-820-4706 regarding the error. Perhaps it was just an oversight but a correction would be nice.
