Thursday, February 9, 2012

Jeff Clemens does not like new Florida Budget

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"This budget looks at only one side of the equation, folks," said Rep. Jeff Clemens, D-Lake Worth. "It's a half budget. It's halfway, half-witted and half-hearted."

Jeff Clemens does not like the new Florida budget that passed 79/38 on $69.2 billion. Read about it here.

Read about Rick Scott's new Budget and what he has to say.


  1. Clemens said that?

  2. Why would Clemens approve of a Republican budget that cut unnecessary spending? He's a Democrat that believes in social welfare and racking up the debt..

  3. Democrats all like that "free" lunch. Oops, wait a minute--Maxwell is a Republican. :)

  4. Must be political. I don't like the
    Republican budget,I am an Independent.

  5. Republicans like to spend money on useless wars killing innocent children and calling it "collateral damage", while stomping their feet about a woman's right to choose.
    Clemens still sucks.

  6. It was Obama who invaded Libya, a useless war.

  7. Not one American Military on the streets in Libya.Say that about Bush.

  8. Bush got approval from the UN and Congress before he invaded Iraq, Obama skirted Congress... Again.
