Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Inspector General takes Lake Worth to task

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Susan Stanton was in the process of ending leases to non-profits before she was fired. She did a good job in removing The Mentoring Center from our downtown.

Someone, obviously, complained about the CDC occupying city property without a lease that prompted the Inspector General to become involved.

Read what the inspector General has to say about it.


  1. Take a couple of guesses on who complained.

  2. Not to mention that Joann Golden also works for the CDC and allowed all of this overlooking of paying and tax payer waste. The CDC does next to nothing, very unproductive and ineffective. Golden and all should be ashamed of this report. I know I am.

  3. Jo-Ann Golden does NOT work for the CDC. She used to work for them several years ago and quit even before her term ended. AND, she was an employee. She was not a head of the CDC. Again--She was a paid employee. GOT that?

    Truth be known is that many people in this City twist the facts on a daily basis in order to make political points.

  4. Why no mention of Tom Ramiccio and his band of Chamber free loaders?!?

  5. Golden worked for the CDC until February 2011. If she was just an employee, why was she involved with the $25,000 mortgage with Kathleen La Croix?
