Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Feeling the Love

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Do you feel it?


  1. To be honest, I am not feeling the love! My Valentine’s wish for Commissioner Maxwell is that he replace the ‘bully pulpit’ for a ‘love pulpit’. Nothing over the top mind you, just basic professional courtesy, respect and manners when addressing staff will do nicely. You know what I mean, that pesky 'golden rule' thing. Happy Valentine’s Day Commissioner

  2. I'm sure the king is feeling a whole lotta love since he spearheaded the firing of former city manager Susan Stanton!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Well, as NO reasons were given to fire a city manager who was turning this city around, perhaps you can enlighten all of us as to what they were.

    Was it because Stanton talked dirty to you? Was it because your argument was rejected? Was it because she terminated your employment to get more efficient? Was it because she stood up to the unions? Was it because she reduced the PBSO budget. Was it because she stood up to a bully? WHAT?

  4. Maxwell can't give respect when he doesn't respect himself or the people he represents.

  5. Those who don't feel it are all those who get in his way such as certain members of our city staff who stand up for what is right. Farrington comes to mind. Anyone across from him who does not bend over. They are all condemned to the cesspool of life. That's poetic doncha think?

  6. If Mmaxwell listed all the reason he was firing Stanton in a public forum he would be opening the city to a law suit by Stanton. This is why a corporation will not tell anyone requesting information on a former employee the reason why they were fired.

  7. Fair enough BUT--if Maxwell had legitimate reasons, then they would be upheld in a court of law. No law suit. No settlement. Nothing injurious to the one who was terminated. The reasons why he didn't give any reasons were because he
    1. didn't have any
    2. they were personal
    3. he didn't have control of a strong city manager

    Anyone can now bring forth reasons, after the fact, when someone is no longer here to defend herself. He can just put the blame on Stanton for everything. Isn't Joe Kroll doing that?
