Tuesday, February 7, 2012

City Manager Short List - Lake Worth

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Two months ago Susan Stanton was fired. No one was given a reason. A few things that we can determine are 1) some in power and control did not like her personality, thought they knew better than she and they wanted to be the boss... 2) she worked long days-- sometimes 16 hours was not unusual to turn our city around...she loved this city....3) she suggested assessments that were unpopular but the ultimate decision in taxes was always the city commission... 4) she stood up to the Unions and they hated that and so did some politicians and their friends...5) and she always claimed the city was "broken," that triage had to be performed and it was going to take many unpopular decisions to fix it. She said she needed one more year to do her job. Ultimately, a good city manager knows his/her stuff. A politician only knows how to politic and some do a lousy job of that.

So, city staff and Range Riders have given up their time to compile and rate city manager applicants. Resumes had to be checked. There were a slew--over 60.

Tonight the Commission will be presented with 13 city manager candidates--the Short List. Two out of three that I featured on this blog, Dale Sugarman and Frank Spence, made the Short List. Joe Kroll does not appear on anyone's list in the top 13 most qualified or best fit for Lake Worth. Paul White is not on this list. I have to wonder what happened to him as his resume said that he was highly qualified. In an independent analysis done for this blog, Sugarman was rated tops with Water and Electric Utility experience, worked with Unions and has an ICMA credential.

Once an Interim-City Manager is chosen, within a few months more resumes will be analyzed and another short-list will be presented for a permanent city manager as the RFQ is being formulated and the requirements have been voted upon and agreed. The Interim City Manager now has the option to apply for the permanent position, says Kurt Bressner.

We'll get there if three on the dais don't stumble all over themselves.


  1. If Stanton was such a Great City Manager, why was she disliked by so many of the residents? Could it be her lack of respect for them? Was it the way she presented her lack of interest while on the Dias? Or perhaps it was the numerous Lawsuits that the city is now facing because of her actions?

  2. Well, that's funny. Stanton was on the dais because 1) it is required and 2) she was there to interject when necessary. She got along fine with those who were respectful.

    Lack of interest on the dais? I didn't see that. Do you mean the way she sat pensively or are you getting her confused with Scott Maxwell laying back in his chair with his eyes closed?

    Actually, I thought she interjected sometimes too often but in the final analysis, it was better that Boyer and Baldwin who sat by silently as those commissions voted us into deep trouble and law suits.

    Stanton and lawsuits? Yes there have been some. There are always lawsuits and someone just not liking something and want to sue. Perhaps they are valid; perhaps not. Time will tell.

  3. I was talking about her laying her head down while on the dias, or maybe she was just tired from all those 16 hour days. Of course that was because she called for workshop meetings because she had no personal life.

    I was always respectful to Ms. Stanton, and she treated me like dirt. Her sarcasm, and profanity are well known through out the city.

  4. To anon at 2:03 could not agree more, more than once I heard Stanton talking worst than most truck drivers I know.
