Wednesday, February 8, 2012

City Manager Lake Worth Rumor

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Rumor has it that the former Public Works Director, Joe Kroll, has been hanging around City departments for days telling folks he will be the next city manager. Now I wonder who has told him that? A source has told me that he has said that it will be up to him as far as who stays and who goes on the present city staff.

So far, the City has been imploding up the whazoo. If the rumor is true, the entire process is corrupt and we will need to look at the Vice Mayor for the answers.


  1. Can't you tell the difference between good corruption and bad corruption? The good kind is when one controls it oneself. If it's those other people whom one disagrees with, then that's the bad kind.

  2. Lynn I belive your above blog is nothing but your overactive imagination, on overtime. I am in City Hall, and other departments every day, and I have never seen Joe Kroll hanging around anywhere. I know him very well, and he has never said to me he will be the next City Manager, only that he has applied.

  3. Sorry--it has nothing to do with imagination.

  4. Well I for one hope this rumor is true. Mr. Kroll is just what this city needs, after the disaster we had with the previous City Manager. Staff and the public both Like, and Respect Mr. Kroll, something that was NOT felt for Ms Stanton.

  5. If a totally unqualified person like Joe Kroll is picked,then the porcess and our elected officials are totally corrupt.

  6. Do you really think Kroll would be so bad in the position?
    How long do you think it takes for someone new to LW to have a good understanding of what the heck goes on here?
    That's probably a lengthy period of time - Time that Joe Kroll wouldn't need to take in order to be pro-active and productive.

  7. So now you are the one spreading rumors.... I've talked to several people who work for the City and none have mentioned Joe Kroll. Of course, he is entitled to apply just like everyone else, just like applicants with ethics' issues. Bottom line is all the voting will be done in front of the public.

  8. If I hear from a source that something is true you can bet that I will go with it. This is a blog, Lauren, not the PBPost and as such, bloggers sometimes get a scoop of "news" before they do--sometimes.

    Rumors often times turn out to be right on the money. I could, of course, call Joe Kroll but why should I do that. I am rather sure of what I would hear from him. You and Maxwell probably wrote his playbook.

    And Lauren, stop spreading rumors since you don't like them very much. You talked to "several people who work for the City and none have mentioned Joe Kroll." Who are they and what did they say? See what I mean, Lauren. I have a rumor from an excellent source. You have a rumor of "several people." Why is your rumor any better than mine?

    There have been many people who have submitted resumes with excellent qualifications. Now we just need to find out if they are what and whom they say that they are. We already know about Joe and his mess ups.

    IMO, the entire process has been corrupted thanks to Maxwell and gang. It won't matter about the vote in front of the public that you mentioned if the visionaries all vote Kroll as their top choice now will it?

  9. Joe Kroll? That guy has never been a city manager in his entire life. We are a city in crisis and they want Kroll? haha too much.

  10. 10:54 anon, you are suggesting on the job training? You are joking, right?

  11. Can we please choose the most qualified candidate? Is that not too much to ask? Keep the stupid politics out of this decision please.

  12. One thing that he is good at is lying.

  13. Anon @ 9:29 am - You are so right! Can we just pick the most qualified person. Mr. Kroll is a nice guy but given his performance history is he capable?

  14. Lynn, I'll name my sources when you start naming the source of all your "scoops." The funny thing is I don't think Joe Kroll would be the best choice for our city. In fact, I haven't picked a favorite because I don't have all the information on the applicants for the fulltime CM position.

  15. Lauren--I answered you on another blog here about "scoops" and your completely ridiculous and insulting comment that someone else is writing my material. I write a blog under my own name....have done it since September 2008. I read the back-up and links I come across pertinent to the blog. Unlike you, I stand up for my opinions. You are anonymous and therefore lack credibility. I don't name sources and don't have to name sources.

    As far as the applicants are concerned, none of us have all the information that is needed to choose the most qualified applicant. What I know is, Joe Kroll is not among them. But we won't be doing the choosing. This won't even be done until the commission turns in their short list and then backgrounds will be checked. I only hope that they are checked out extensively.
